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Created by: BE✩ 

Hello young one, please, take a seat along with the rest if you wish, today I will like to tell you a story of something that happened long ago before I was born into this world, something I believe would be worth taking note for within the future, of course that's if you wish to stick around for this small bit of story, but if you stick around, Please do get comfortable.

 Many years ago during such a different time, Humans in your universe began to do research going off upon theories said about on the chance other universes could be out there, thousands of them nobody can know all the names of them cause more keep on being found and created everyday and disappearing everyday.

After days of research and work along with testings to create what is called a portal, one was created, one that connected to a place that is what we called 'The Connector', where it allows new universes to be born and connected to it when an everlasting portal has been created. Causing Humans to meet upon well- many different beings one may hear of from stories, rather an owl that can talk, a real werewolf with a dear heart, or a animal like being one has yet never seen upon before, many that you can imagine, many magical things one can see, this seemed further beyond science, the Humans showed no aggression to such things, offered peace which they accepted all quite quickly but trust began to be made.

Over the years it took time for it, even for the Humans due to them too having downfalls themselves some of them for- well- what I learnt on such beings. Soon it became accessible to all humans to meet other beings, learn of their technology, knowledge, abilities and plenty more, this caused bonds to be created all around even talk of things the Humans got of their own.

This soon leaded to be talked an idea, an idea spread all around the place that grew to be a goal, a strong goal, a goal to create a universe where they all can visit and live at, a world like no others one has seen, a place to call home to some, a place to start anew, a place that grew to be all so much more. They all began to get to work, each person from each universe working together with the powers they have and the technologies some can use to form a universe along with the guidance of humans and others alike, creating what we know as The In Between universe.

This universe became a place many fled to, many began to live and visit quickly, a world so open and alive, A world with harmony amongst many where judgment won't be such a thing to exist for who or what you are, it is yet no wonder why it grew to have many living there and cities being form all across this massive world.

This universe lives on for years, many years, people coming and going or settling down there for the rest of their lives.

But something else sparked one day, something new, something that was achieved by yet mostly Humans and a few other creatures along with it, a connection. This is yet not an ordinary connection dare I say, allow me to explain: Imagine meeting another being or thing you may adore, you may love it and it dares to never let go or leave your side, like something triggers within your brain to know you got them, but this as discovered was stronger, a bond to call it that gets created to be powerful, this only happened now due to the making of the universe and the rest having been living there or came from it to believe, Still upon a mystery why it begins to happen now.

which this thing grew to be more of a wonder, growing to find connections to many people, different things that they felt to be stronger for specific others and as well power when holding upon a special stone. This grew to become something of new creation, to really show new beginnings, to show upon what this all deserved a name, calling it: Personas.

From the day that began many things happened because of Personas, gaining what was called sides to classify what your connection to the other is for what they may match with, roles to classify what is something that is the most notable and felt by both you and the other that could make it help for understanding, as well learning those who are a Persona to call them to another cannot have Personas vs the one we will call The Host for such a thing. Along with... another. Gems. íroesite is what it is yet called but many called them Gems because the power they hold is yet precious to say.

Due to the phenomenon of Personas, those who when holding one felt power, finding they can learn to use the powers of another, except must be taught by the other such great abilities or powers by the other to grow to become powerful. Causing then a diversity amongst many, many tried to use it for bad to hurt others and manipulate such power, vs the others who saw it for good and a way to protect others and not manipulate such power like this, a battle of good and bad, but luckily due to such a thing gems grew the ability to reject and harm those who touch it that has an evil heart, but yet ways were found, despite it all soon the commotion has stopped overtime, probably cause due to- oh nevermind that now.

Soon, overtime, Others along with Humans the most, have drifted away connection to things, even to the universe itself, bit by bit, the Humans powered off the portal with all they could, hiding any evidence such a thing existed and yet overtime it was forgotten of even the reason some may yet even carry just what they saw as a colourful rock and not a gem that can do many wondrous things, this part of history became forgotten overtime, the universes all still so real and yet the one learnt of may yet still live on for the many who still live there today, but for you Humans, all of it is but now a thing of myth and make belief once again, nothing but an fairy tale that many didn't seem to see magical for how it appeared to overboard for such a thing to exist.

But, I believe this next one, yet a longer one, has caused a change in many things across several universes even to such beliefs, this next one is the one that yet may be longer of a tale, but, it is what brings us here today, isn't it? Now, now, I can tell you're all excited, best to settle down for a moment, for it is going to take a long while now to tell you the real story, often called amongst folks... Personas.

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