--Chapter 5. Maroon Devil--

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Chapter 5. Maroon Devil

A hand, that is what one can see reach out from that portal, a hand of someone unknown, but yet was different, not like any of those creatures called COTS for the hand or like anyone one can find when there really isn't anyone else for majority fled to what Sans called Hotland or The Core, nor any for what Bendy has only gave a brief description of what he called 'inky'. So for someone to step out when yet many universes could be in danger is certainly different, was it to escape? Maybe to join the chaos? Who knows, but yet the wandering thoughts get interrupted by Bendy who hit a bit into Brook and spoke up in a whisper as if to be sure they won't hear despite being the only three in the library that is Brook, Bendy and Sans. "Who is that?? Is this the person that's causing the bad stuff?" Brook shrugged to what Bendy asked, which Sans seemed to take a moment to check the window finding a way to open it and opens it a little that let in cold air right away into here but yet can hear now what is going on outside, which caused the three now to focus on what's going on out there.

The three then seeing what first was a black finger-less gloved hand that came out, then the leg looking to be wearing a rino collared Gray boots and a iron Gray for the pants they seem to wear, then came out the rest of them, wearing a maroon hood that the hood part was up with the horns piercing through holes in it that are quite tall but not to tall currently, with a pattern on the hood being what replicates massive scars in a watermelon colour all across the hood, while yet can see the black finger-less gloves they wore and a tail they seem to have that looked like the head of an arrow but pitch black, often how one may believe devils to have for a shaping like that. Seeing how this maroon devil to call them looked from left to right, checking their surroundings able to hardly see there face due to the hood except how there maroon eyes seemed to glow under it, having almost like a similar face to Bendy's except the eyes are yet different and nor there was a smile really and yet appeared what looks like lines that go down from their eyes and down the face, who was this person is what begged the question.

This maroon devil seemed to check around carefully to their surroundings, the portal sitting open behind them, till shouting can be heard from a voice familiar to the three that made them all look to attempt to see from how much the window allows them to watching as seeing DDraig seemed to rush over with what seems like a smile but still a worried expression and tackle hugged the maroon devil which startled the maroon devil hearing then a quite low voice that had an echo to it be yet spoke from them saying a "Let go, DDraig." which made DDraig do so, making it clear they know one another just by even the shouting that was hard to make out from DDraig, probably giving more to the theory of if this person is the cause. "Who is this guy?" Bendy seemed to ask in a whisper tone in case for if they heard or not, which both Brook and Sans shrugged, which caused the three to watch again now to see what could be learned of who these people are. "Stiex! Oh gee- what are you even doing here!?? It's not even safe to be here let alone anywhere else! Unless it's uh- a way to escape from him..." DDraig seemed to ask the maroon devil that is learned to be called Stiex, who seemed to just look at him listening to what was said, able to have quite the quick response to it.

"Here for more something else, since that fuck is more caught up in causing shit then that, need to talk to you about something" Stiex explained which left DDraig with a confused yet still such a worried look that yet remained on his face all the time it does appear to be, which though when hearing the swearing made Bendy speak up in an annoyed tone, "Sheesh does he really gotta go swearing like that!?? Harsh!" Sans then shushed Bendy so he could hear the conversation outside which caused Bendy and even Brook to begin to listen as well having to catch up on what they're saying. "Tell me it's not bad now!.." seemed DDraig was rambling and had to catch up on what he was saying, seeming clear he's worried what this Stiex fellow has to say. "Depends on how you view it. Look, by dusk back at 'home' something is going to happen, Which I am going to need you to be sure no harm goes to the rest cause of it. Knowing the four will flee back there as a celebration by then, issues can be handled with." Stiex seemed to explain leaving DDraig confused by what he meant, as if this isn't usual to happen now, quite interesting to even say. "Stiex, What do you mean?... Are you going to-" "DDraig, if I say it I know you're going to fucking panic more then a rabbit sensing something harmless they see as danger." Stiex interrupted DDraig who seemed to look down with an expression that surely showed Stiex spoke the truth of sorts, which made Stiex study it then speak up again, checking around the area.

"Look, Here is something to note, Four screams. Hear Four of them when back there with the rest, leave the building, go as far as you possibly can, hide for hell's sake, Even if one is my own." DDraig stared at Stiex once Stiex had explained something, which caused the three to look at one another in curiosity on what that could mean then back to listen in and not miss out on any keen details. "WHAT!? Stiex I can't just leave you to go attempting to do that! That's like running into a minefield! WORSE! You could get seriously hurt or worse maybe k-" "DDraig. Relax. I know what I am doing. They got no idea who they are fucking with now." Stiex interrupted again making DDraig fall silent, staring at Stiex, having the expression of shock with fear mixed in, like he was looking at someone he yet knew that with him saying that though, was far different from what he may have expected, like he was looking at someone else, or something else, but yet, he looked down and nodded his head in understanding. "Just... Please be careful Stiex, we all really care about you... Would hurt to lose well- my best friend..." DDraig spoke, looking at Stiex with worry but understanding with it too, which Stiex only looked at, able to see a slight shift in expression gain a bit of a worried look to it, but yet still remained quite the same.

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