--Chapter 7. Fight or Flight--

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Chapter 7. Fight or Flight

She got thrown right into one the trees nearby, hitting into it knocking the snow off that comforted her fall to the ground, surely quite covered in some injuries some being cuts that bleed or bruises from the trees around or by the impact of a kick or punch but she is yet still trying her best to fight back despite it, looking to Balaur who had opened his wings wide to prevent escape while they came over walking with a huge grin on his face, a grin that hinted something terrible is being plotted. She got up again quickly, but fell because her legs felt weak from all of this fighting. She needed to fight though, making her wish she had powers just so she won't have to rely so much on others for help. "Oh you poor little jewel, you cannot even have the ability to stand up, now how does that make you a hero if you can't even stand up for yourself? Not even for others you could very well be trying to save!" Balaur spoke, going over to where Brook is and standing above them, then kneeled down to be at her level, but still had a large grin. "Let's face it you're no hero but a little girl thinking she has all the power to do this with her kind nature and believes in having a godly power, when there isn't any." Balaur moved closer, putting his hand against the tree Brook stood up behind, making her surely uncomfortable by this, she had to think fast.


She felt the need to look up, making her look a bit up seeing a pile of snow on a branch above right to where Balaur was, making her get an idea quickly on a way to see if it can be knocked down. "As often I won't say this, I got something for you. Shove up this idea of yours on me up your ass." "Oh you're really asking for it aren't you? I'm guessing you're trying to plot something just to get me to go with to have it succeed then the sudden plan. How cute." Balaur responded to what Brook said, well that isn't good, time to try and improvise then. She quickly raised her arm to try and hit the tree but Balaur got hold of her by the wrist and squeezed to hold it there which hurt, what to do now if he is gonna have an improvise for each move? Then heard the branch breaking from above, causing both her and Balaur to look up and see a odd COTS got onto it and it broke off from the weight, giving Brook a chance to break free for Balaur being distracted and to roll away before the branch hit Balaur quickly and the odd COTS on it tumbled and rolled into the snow but it was piled for where they landed, which Brook studied it as the COTS looked back, it looked just like the one she saw before when sneaking past all those COTS from before, which was odd how it stayed for a moment before it ran off perhaps to escape from this battle that yet goes on.

Brook then quickly turned to look, seeing Balaur push the branch off him and the snow that cleared gave him a chill, making Brook have to think fast, she has to do something, it's either fight or flight here, unless she can improvise some other plan for an option of sorts. "What a lucky girl you must be for that huh? But looks like luck will have to end here though." Balaur spoke up, getting the snow off him, watching it give him a chill, giving her an idea to quickly try to make a snowball in the snow but it wasn't forming right or working for the snow was too soft, she had to improvise. She quickly looked and saw the trees around, she could climb them, despite her not often doing so even with these trees she could try, so she began to run right to the nearest tree, but she heard Balaur from behind her notice and began to charge quickly to go after her. She quickly got hold of the first lowest branch then another near to pull herself up putting her feet against the base of the tree to get herself onto the first branch just dodging Balaurs charge attack hitting his hand into the tree that shook it from the impact but then he looked up to Brook but began to grin there wings beginning to open, that's not good. She quickly got hold of the one above and pulled herself up onto it, then the next that was a easy step up to it then a climb for the next, so far she is doing good with the climbing, even at a good pace to get away from where Balaur was being far d- wait Balaur isn't down there anymore, where did he go? She checked around quickly and then felt the top the tree shake, looking to see Balaur had flew up to the top of it and was grinning down to look at Brook who was in the middle section for the way up making her feel stupid to think this will help her get away from a guy with wings for crying out loud.

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