--Chapter 3. Dragons Clues--

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Chapter 3. Dragons Clues

Snow, it's everywhere the three walked, everywhere one looked, seeing it all on the ground covering bushes and the pine trees around, everywhere, while it seemed to begin snowing a bit as for the spot the three are at is currently safe for how bright it feels, light, something that she finds herself to be a way of safety, a safe spot. The air may have felt a bit chilly to her but she was lucky to be wearing at least some appropriate clothes for it aside from another jacket or a hat even, but yet it reminds her it's all real, everything is, it's all alive, and aside from first being here all alone, she has two others, one a toon she learnt a bit of quite quickly going by Bendy who loves art like she does and Sans who she may still be learning but seems when Bendy chats with Sans he seems closed off or annoyed for what she can study, probably there is a reason to it, maybe he isn't that person both her and Bendy are seeing.

During this walk, mostly Bendy was trying to chat with Sans and Sans mostly gave a somewhat response which Bendy tried to get him talking but no luck, till then Bendy kind of moved now to walk by Brooks side, which made her look over and see Bendy smile at Brook once she did. "So, what's it like in your universe anyways? Is it like this one?" Bendy seemed to speak up, causing Brook to think for a way to explain it before responding, "Not exactly but I find it a bit similar, it's more brighter here and more a magic feel here versus mine, it's kind of dull some days and nothing to special but there is quite some nature around but not as much nature like here for what I'm seeing, mostly buildings quite around and houses. Doesn't have much of anything special if you ask me versus well what's being discovered right now." Once Brook did respond she was able to notice Bendy seemed all so curious even though she said it's nothing too special, like he really wants to know all sorts about it.

"Your world sounds cool! Well may not be though like the one we are at but it sounds so cool versus how mine does which is much much worse if you ask me, it's... Well that isn't a worry won't be going back there no no! Going to say in one of these universes, maybe one that is like what you said but better! Brighter and more life and nature and has that magic feeling! Imagine a universe like that! Hey, maybe you may like it too since it could remind you of home but it's much more colourful!" Bendy smiled, surely finding it cool and better than however his is like, quite the wonder how his is like but for how he seemed to say it's worse than what she said, feels as though to her it's good he is out from it anyways. "Let's hope there is a universe like that out there, a universe like that sounds well near perfect depending on how the rest there are like!" Brook spoke up, which caused Bendy to think and when he was gonna respond, Sans spoke up over him. "Both of you should quiet down here, those creatures could be around the forest here and if they find out we are here they will attack. Whatever these beings are, they all surely don't stop at nothing." "OH COME ON! You're strong with your bone magic and weird bone beings that blast, we will be fine! Besides for the way we are going to figure out about that portal from where Brook came from to see if it could be a key to things, no danger can get us out here!" Bendy quite somewhat complained back, proving there shouldn't be any threats out here at all, which Sans sighed.

"Well more keep coming after some get handled with, causing more and more armies of them, which if anything they target Brook for what we learnt, so surely they may stop at nothing to go after her and the rest of us." "Okay, Okay fair- Which is a wonder why they do target her- Brook do you got some kind of thing you ain't telling us?" Bendy looked over at Brook which made Brook give a confused look back, hide anything? No! She wouldn't do that, even if some responses to it are negative she dares to not hide anything, not even to these two. "I'm not hiding anything! I am not sure either why they all are but they all just keep targeting me. I wish I knew then I would've told you both in the first place." She watched as Bendy seemed to nod in understanding now to this all, surely it seems Bendy believes Brook but Sans seems unsure, gives the idea Sans doesn't gain trust all that easily for what she can study from him. "How do we know you aren't lying?" "HEY SHE AIN'T LYING! I SEEN LYING THAT AIN'T LYING! She is as confused as we are, if anything she seems too good for such a thing!" Bendy snapped right back at Sans for saying that, quite like he is defending Brook from this so she doesn't have to struggle with this alone. Sans didn't say anything back, keeping his mouth shut for this like he hasn't literally had it shut already with his teeth that he someone can speak without opening his mouth quite clearly, continuing to walk going ahead to where abouts he believed the spot to be at for must've been described before to him and yet he is the most familiar with this forest anyways, which caused Bendy to try and hurry up right away running up to catch up which caused Brook to do so as well.

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