--Chapter 4. The Creatures Mystery--

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Chapter 4. The Creatures Mystery

The three, Brook,Sans and Bendy, walked onwards back to town with Sans's lead for he was the most familiar with where to go due to this being his universe as said a few times before, gets one to really see the area around that was all so snowy with pine trees and often those trees with a dark brown bark to them with a rough texture to them despite looking smooth in some way being different from how the fluffy snow feels, somewhat lost in this large forest that hopefully the path they're on will lead them to the town that one may have saw for a brief amount of time to see it was under attack of those creatures from the various times before, what are those creatures anyways? Quite the question that begged her own mind for an answer, maybe even the other two had the same wonder, but then again may be the least of concerns to them aside from causing the danger that's around. But maybe even some knowledge on what these beings are or what they do may help, but before she can speak up about such a thing, Bendy spoke up first for a different thing. "So why are you so moody anyways Sans? Like yeah I get the universes are in danger but can you at least cheer up a little??" Once Bendy said that, Sans looked over giving a bit of a look that was of both confusion and a sign of some judgement of some kind along with it before he spoke back to that remark. "That's because I am not like you for this, even so, it's all quite dangerous anyway. It's best to remain serious or crack a 'punny' joke here and there."

Hearing a joke like that was quite funny even though it is yet meant to be a serious moment of sorts, which yet Bendy had yet a response ready for that even hearing such a joke like that. "Ohh, did I just hear yeah crack a joke just now? Is the skeleton coming out of that creepy closet they're said to be in?" Bendy tried to go over and nudge Sans to try and encourage it, but Sans moved away, giving a stop motion with there hand to show to not try that, which Bendy gave a confused look of sorts to such an action but did end up listening anyways not trying to now, but caused Bendy to talk again. "Come on, what's with the mood? Come on, things should be alright! Got Brook here to even help us figure this all out like the fact she managed to find that guy and learn an idea for where a way to the cause could be is spectacular if you ask me! So despite this being terrifying, how about a little smile since it's all gonna be over hopefully soon!" Sans seemed to take a moment to think of what Bendy had said, thinking and then said "I'll think about it." before he continued to walk onwards to lead the way back to town. Bendy sighed at this, slowing down to walk beside Brook now, looking over with a look of shame on there face or disappointment, thinking he may have failed to convince him and seems to understand why in some sense for it that could be what's causing that feeling of he has failed and may not succeed for that, which Brook took a moment, before moving more closer to walk closer beside Bendy, which Bendy noticed and gave a small smile seeing Brook do this as a way of comfort.

"Well, Hopefully this journey gets easier overtime, wouldn't you say?" Bendy spoke up, looking at Brook to see Brook have a confused look of some kind hearing that, why yes it would be nice for it too, but yet that could have many meanings for what way for it too. "What do you mean by that, Bendy?" "Well, Just that this whole journey is simple and easy... even a hope we all grow close if you ask me, cause come on, a chance to make friends in some way like this is quite amazing if you ask me to have a chance like this." Bendy smiled for a moment looking ahead as if having a hope for it but yet it's like it faded and grew weak along with the smile that faded with it into a frown, looking down to the ground which made Brook grow worried. "So you're unsure if it's all going to be like that even in the friends category?." "YES! EXACTLY THAT! Yeah... that. But-" Bendy seemed to try to think the words but couldn't, looking over at Brook with some hope for if she got any. "You fear there will be failure?... Yet even though you're not failing since you got me as a friend already, I'm sure anyone else we meet or know will come around over time. Patience is like waiting for your favourite season to roll around or your birthday to roll around too which turns out to be great once it happens!" Brook smiled at Bendy, moving a bit closer to cheer Bendy up who stared for a moment then he smiled there eyes lighting up with that happiness and hope once again upon those words, till was interrupted by Sans all so suddenly. "We're almost in town now." "Already?? Sheesh time flies when you're chatting!" Bendy responded, that smile remaining but instead of looking ahead looked at Brook again, which Brook did back, giving a small smile back before Bendy seemed to say a "Thank you" till he looked away, and began to continue onward now ready for whatever may happen when they are at this town now, which Brook prepared to for who knows what may happen being here.

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