Chapter 13. Windy Fight

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Chapter 13. Windy Fight

"FOR THE SEVENTH TIME WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE 'LOVE BIRDS'???" Bendy shouted, just closer to Uvilein just annoyed and confused by what Uvilein is refusing to explain. "Oh come on! Everyone knows what that is as said! You and Her clearly are close and perhaps could like one another that way so what better terms would it be if not to call you such a thing?" Uvilein explained but Bendy still seemed all so lost for what he could possibly even mean by all of this clearly. "Well we aren't that Uvilein, I barely know the guy that much at that, We don't see one another that way." Brook spoke up, just at least being the one to explain that they aren't that, why would they be that? It seems kind of weird at that, even when she barely knows him or is that close with him. "Alright then! If you say so, But I wouldn't be surprised if that changes!" Uvilein spoke, looking away from them and going ahead as Brook and Bendy just kind of sighed in annoyance even though they both are annoyed for different reasons, but yet kept going onward throughout this whole walk.

As they walked it seems they neared what seems like a darker dangerous like spot within this forest, showing more older trees that some looked like it couldn't grow any more of those red leafs from before and the ground looked older for it was a more darker purple and even seemed more wet the ground since it made a slush like sound for some the steps they took, odd and yet dark, but it wasn't so scary since at least none of them are alone in this place, but weird how Uvilein made them go this way. "Say... Are any of you perhaps afraid of insects?" Uvilein spoke up, glazing at everyone with a grin like smile on his face. "I-Insects?? Oh no, those are scary! I remember one time a spider got in my bed and it was scary! But one of my brothers did handle it..." Mugman exclaimed with a worried tone in his voice looking at some of the rest in worry. "Don't worry! Insects aren't that bad! I won't let any hurt any of us anyways!" "Even large centipedes?" Uvilein asked Bendy who was exclaiming to protect them but yet slowly looked to Uvilein confused by what he meant by large centipedes.

"Ohhh noooo..." Mugman stuttered, going over closer to where Brook was in fear and worry which Brook carefully helped relax Mugman from it even despite being worried about it too. "HAHAHA! Oh don't worry, don't worry! I was only messing with you! I had some ways of handling most of them anyway!" Uvilein laughed as he kept leading the way onward which only somewhat helped since they only said most of them, what about the rest though? Surely leaves it still worrisome. "Oh how 'reassuring' to say!" Bendy annoyingly said in response to what Uvilein had said, just able to tell he's annoyed by him clearly, which cannot blame him for one bit, at least it is nice he is trying to defend everyone. "What else is out here aside from that?" Sans spoke up now after being mostly silent during this, but can tell he was studying around keeping watch in case of danger. "Oh there's many things here, Spiders, Wolves, Insane Jesters, Spronklers, Jurimpers, you get the idea!" Uvilein explained while not being threatened by this, Sans just listened in quietly then looked around the area perhaps to keep an eye out for that now as they got closer to the place Uvilein mentioned.

"Ah, helpful." "Oh wait not really I forgot all those insane jesters killed one another a while ago! Heard that from one the ones that came running to me on needing some help!" Uvilein added that Sans looked to him confused a bit but focused on making sure the area is safe now once again. "Uhm... why would you be all the way out here sir?..." "Because nobody would come out here to interrupt my time inventing now! You have to be brave and so willing if you want to come this way, which you guys are now, right?." Uvilein turned and looked at Mugman with a smile that seemed to scare Mugman a bit more but tried to put on a brave look despite it all. "Hey, is that the place up ahead?" Brook spoke up now, gesturing to what's ahead of them in which Uvilein turned to look and had a bigger smile on his face and went more over to where Brook is. "Oh ho ho! No but close! That would be the very place where we will have to go through though to get to it! That is Decesive, a house like appearing creature that's a cave, just don't scream loudly in there though or you'd be dinner!" Uvilein laughed a bit but yet focused again, looking at Brook with a smile. "Though you should be careful in there now Missy! Don't want you screaming so best to go through with your eyes closed and ears plugged!" "But I don't scream?" Brook added, being confused by why Uvilein suggested all of that just managing to back away more from him. "Well! Even better! Anyone else here then who does? Like you little croissant?" "I'M NOT A CROISSANT!" Bendy shouted at Uvileins comment which yet Uvilein just seemed entertained by his reaction as Uvilein focused on the rest now like they already got an answer that yet just left Bendy annoyed.

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