--Chapter 14. Bamboozled--

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Chapter 14. Bamboozled

Hitting each and every tree, hitting the ground and other rough spots while being swung around and hit with that machinery before being tossed into one the trees and hanging there still trapped within the net still struggling to get free while being quite hurt once again due to all of that and just stuck having to look at Uvilein who's upside down in one's view. Which Brook can see Uvilein laughing at this current situation she's in while seemingly pressing a button on his outfit to quickly change it's form to something that seems he more so prefers having now a white and light grey lab coat on with a odd heart logo with a stitching around the outline of the heart as he got rid of the hat and has just black pants and boots that matched with the theme. He looked at his outfit and then to Brook now as he slowly came over having that to figure to be an evil smile. "My, my! I surely must've been lucky to have come across you guys, especially you gem holder!" Uvilein spoke with such smart confidence in his voice as he went over to Brook for where she was just stuck hanging there.

"Bendy really was onto something about you..." Brook spoke up, which Uvilein gave an annoyed smile once hearing that while having a look that said he must've been aware of this. "EUGH- That damn annoyance wouldn't shut up each time I did anything and oh for how protective he was around you SOMETHING Had to be done to make him back away and luckily I was far smart enough to get that to happen." Uvilein spoke with some annoyance in his voice but went back to this snarky like tone he has going on now as he continued on. "Oh but no matter now, I was lucky that the skeleton was just a great distraction for this matter, Probably because of all that talking I did about some dark related topics!" Uvilein smiled more, turning away and imagining it all for perhaps the reactions he got out of all of it, oh how twisted for this guy to do that. "That's why he- How could you do that!? That's not right to do to people to trick and force them into doing things they don't wish to do or feel they have to do even! It breaks the person and normally when it comes to these bad things karma hits them hard." Brook explained, managing to shift a bit around in the net to find a proper position to be in so that way she can focus more to find some way out.

"And who would hit me with karma when knowing it those guys won't find us out here and surely my bosses side man you may already know is just on his way so can take care of you before they can do much, there's nothing you can do, bonus that everyone else who could are already too broken to do much, who could you possibly think would be capable of doing such a thing like that?" Uvilein looked to Brook as he countered that explanation, just going over to where the net is having a dark smile on his face, something that felt it was to show there couldn't be hope on making him stop or hope karma can strike this twisted man, but, it still feels there is. "You'd be surprised how powerful some things can be without noticing I guess.." Brook quietly added, which made Uvilein give a look that seemed confused not understanding it, even though Brook wasn't confident herself if she was right herself but it was the hope this could leave Uvilein to weaken and be distracted so she could escape. "You know that surely is a quite interesting thesis, In Fact even when it comes towards you. Maybe there is a lot more to why you carry such a gem around. Perhaps something far greater than oh what we know of! HAHA! Oh this surely must mean I shall secure you good so you won't ever escape." Uvilein spoke up with a laugh-like tone in his voice which made Brook worry more, that foiled clearly.

Uvilein then quickly shot out another net that quickly went around the other one has he had a mechanical arm that had a more claw like hand come out from to guess a piece of machinery on his back to go up and tie the access on where the other access was so it securely stays up there, just smiling throughout it, making it clear Brook surely should've thought this further through, but there has to be some way out, she has to fight for herself here. That's when she noticed something from within the forest quickly sneaking about's it seemingly, Uvilein didn't seem to notice since he was focused on making sure one is secured within the net but one saw slightly something pink-ish red pass by within the trees and shadows, which was quick to figure for Brook, maybe they have a plan to help somehow even if there- unique of course, so Brook looked to Uvilein and thought up ways she could try to distract him more in case.

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