--Chapter 12. Strange Science--

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Chapter 12. Strange Science

"AH- WHO IN THE INKY HELL ARE YOU!??" Bendy shouted, as the rest backed a bit away ready in case this person was of any danger. Looking upon this danger can see as though they appeared odd for it seemed to be someone wearing a black top hat with a pair of horns poking through as this fellow wore an science like lab coat that was a rusty pink that had a odd robot like appeal to it with a pair of pants to match with the colour scheme of it, able to see there boots being a dark jam colour as can see the fellow as well had white messy hair with stripes in it being of a brink coloration as can see despite his eyes being pretty shadowed can see the glasses they wore underneath that really hid how there eyes looked.

"MY MY! I didn't mean to give quite the surprise! I just overheard you folks talking and couldn't help but be excited to hear about such intelligence! Even by the looks you appear to have such great power! Quite perfect for- some things." This scientist-like fellow explained why they seemed to happen to interrupt of sorts which does make some reasonable sense for that. "Wait how do-" "What does this have to do with us though?" Sans interrupted Bendy but not entirely by intention but mostly just to get a question answered. "Well I figured perhaps when seeing you folks you could be the perfect way to help me with something that became quite the situation due to all of this chaos!" The scientist-like person explained more, which makes this quite interesting, maybe a clue on who could be causing chaos in this universe.

"Oh, Of course we can help you mister! Right guys?" Mugman asked the rest, looking over to the rest who all kind of exchanged looks amongst one another quietly on what to think upon this. "I mean, it would be the most friendly thing to do." Brook spoke up, looking at this scientist fellow who only watched the rest with a smile that felt odd, but she isn't sure why. "Hm, it depends." "HEY SCIENTIST GUY! What do you have to offer if we help you!??" Bendy asked in a bit of a shout which startled Sans for a second at first but he calmed down quickly. "What do I have to offer? Why the perfect machinery to help you with all sorts of course! Whatever machine you'd like I will give to you! Just if you help me with a little problem from a pest that keeps ruining things!" The scientist fellow answered with quite the explanation to all of this, which really can get the rest to think more upon this.

Everyone looked to one another exchanging one another looks upon this sort of offer just thinking of what to do exactly for if to do so or not, which even then shouldn't hurt after all, right? Can try it and maybe it could help them figure out who could be causing chaos in this universe faster. "Alright, we'll help you out!" Brook spoke up for everyone, looking over to this scientist fellow who yet smiled more upon hearing that. "WONDERFUL! BRILLIANT EVEN! Now how rude of me as well to not introduce myself! Fellow people I am Uvilein! And I thank you for being so willing to help me!" The fellow now known as Uvilein exclaimed while giving a proper introduction to them now as he smiled with that slight oddness to it that remained, but shouldn't have to worry and question it now. "Now,Now! No time to waste fellow people! We got something to handle!" Uvilein then spoke up again, turning around and beginning to lead the way as the rest began to follow along now.

Although while they're walking Brook was able to notice Bendy was seeming off upon this sort of thing, carefully going over to them and spoke up in a small whisper, "Are you alright?" which yet made Bendy quickly look at her in surprise hearing that. "Brook! I'm- good just... I don't think this guy is safe, somethings off... Why would anyone be so calm like that and not affected in some way and how come they want specifically our help? Like I get we are all a strong team here but- well we've seen stronger!" Bendy explained while keeping it as a whisper, just constantly making sure Uvilein wasn't listening but seems Uvilein was being caught up on being talked to by Mugman who was being there usual sweet and friendly self. "Hm, Well, I can see what you mean for off actually, like that smile isn't- normal or natural, like it has more to it then it seems, but I believe you Bendy, like how you have with me." Brook responded in that whisper tone, giving Bendy a small smile which yet got Bendy smiling back at her knowing he wasn't alone for this one. "So you want us to handle some problem that deals with pests?" Sans asked Uvilein, causing Bendy and Brook to look over and listen in now. "Well actually, It's more you deal with the pests that began showing around even where I was working! That's where I will yet give you a gift of a variety of things to help you on your journey!" Uvilein exclaimed, looking over to Sans with that odd smile of his then he looked on ahead once again.

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