--Chapter 6. The Enlightenment From Another--

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Chapter 6. The Enlightenment From Another

One, two, three... Counting, counting each small snowflake that fell and each COTS seen lurking in the darkness but fleeing once catching sight of who is leading them back into the forest for where DDraig had fled into, feeling that cold air blow against them that caused a shiver down Brooks spine as she followed this guy learned as Balaur with the other two Sans and Bendy to see if this supposed to be issue will cause more madness around, which to think is better to be in this forest then be at that town running with COTS and that much larger COTS that can very well crush them all like bugs. For what was heard now was only the wind noise often made when it goes by your ears and the crunching of snow under one's feet along with the quiet breathing from everyone to show they are alive and this all is too, which makes one get that reminder it's real, and this moment that happening is as well, who is this Balaur guy is truly a wonder, is he really good and it seems deceiving or is it all a trick that was yet waiting to be revealed in the long run? Certainly is unknown to Brook, maybe even to the rest.

"Well, well, what happened to have caused you two guys to meet such a gem anyways? Surely does sparkle in the light now" Balaur spoke up, glancing over to the three which Bendy looked confused by what Balaur meant while Sans seemed to kind of guard Brook who was weirded out by that name once again even for how it was explained. "Quit calling her that. Look, we just found her trying to escape some COTS and we saved her." Sans explained, which Bendy gave Balaur a look when learned Balaur was calling Brook this which Balaur only laughed at. "Oh I see, I see, she's unique, such a unique ge-" "HEY! STOP CALLING BROOK THAT! WE ALREADY SAID QUIT IT SO QUIT IT!" Bendy spoke up now getting the idea now that the nicknames here were making Brook uncomfortable by it but surely is lucky to have these two defending her from this sort of thing even though she could've tried to herself. Balaur seemed to look over, giving a small grin before speaking up "I see, I see, it's not appropriate to call others who own the gem that now, I get it." "They aren't a couple, they literally met I say about three hours ago." Sans spoke up that which Bendy then looked confused by it as if understood that as something else which Brook was confused by Balaur saying that but with Sans speaking up surely has her embarrassed in some way.

"Oh enough of this now, there are more things more important to focus on, like finding where that villainous guy fled to" Balaur spoke while focused on what is ahead, surely seeming dedicated to finding this 'villain' otherwise known as DDraig to stop them, but yet versus the other two who may be confused by his exact goals for a wonder if this all truly is a big scheme or not, Brook felt she can see the truth that caused the urge to ask questions now, to find out what's up. "Sir, why do you want us to come with you if you can handle it alone when we could've stayed aside to wait for you to get back?" "Oh young girl, I saw how you all battled, I would need you all to handle the issues on the side while I handle the main, besides perhaps this fella has answers you're looking for correct?" Balaur responded, continuing to lead the way which Brook remained silent for, answers... that's a doubt for that it surely feels, but why? That is yet another wonder why she feels such a burning doubt on how he could give any sort of answers to this or even other things. 

"But... Wouldn't it be more logical if-" "Oh nonsense sunshine! Besides, the creatures did stop bothering you all with me here now, correct? So I'm sure you'd come to love it then with me being here now." For Balaur to say that surely left Brook concerned and surely didn't like the nickname, which seemed to have caught Bendy's attention quite quickly, then looking at Balaur with a slight glare, "HEY! We just said to quit the nicknames! We always can turn right around you know and fall right into a portal to leave you here you know!" "Oh my apologies, must've been offensive, but we wouldn't want you fleeing off into the wrong universe now, after all you could always end up in a place that could be a war for crying out loud with or without these hideous creatures all across this webby space." Balaur explained after Bendys' shouting that only made Bendy give a slight glare while they all continued to follow Balaur who was all so odd. Brook seemed to think for a moment now thinking of what Balaur said then spoke up now, "Wait, space isn't webby, it's meant to be open and expanding even-" "Oh how you and I talk of two different spaces, shows how little knowledge you currently have, but not to worry, dear old Balaur will teach you it all even to the rest of you. As someone good will do now." Balaur smiled, looking at Brook, staring directly at them that felt it sent a chill down Brooks spine that surely didn't seem the breeze yet could cause.

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