--Chapter 9. Cheeky Amaranth Fellow

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Chapter 9. Cheeky Amaranth Fellow

A new environment, new colours all around, a new feeling, a new member and a new foot into this adventure. They are yet in a new place completely, a whole other universe that could be universes away from home for all is to know or maybe closer than one suspects, but how is Brook to know? She looked to everything around looking for all the details she could see about this place, surely it seems it is quite a magical place and the sky was full of darkness but portals opening to thousands of other universes one cannot yet reach. Why does the ground feel like a carpet to even wonder or why are the trees here all so red and magenta like? Why is the grass a bright purple with no weeds or flowers to grow out from it? Why does this universe make her look all so different? Various questions with so little answers and various details her artsy eyes could yet see. But at least she isn't alone for she has made some friends along the way to aid her in this journey to stop this, hoping to not lose a single one in the very process of this or hurt any of them as well.

"So who even are these brothers, Mugman?? Like their names and stuff like that!" Bendy asked while walking up to walk along with Mugman to listen for their answer while Brook quietly watched while Sans focused on going ahead. "Oh! Well they are wonderful people my brothers, my brother Cuphead may be a bit extreme sometimes but he is the best as my other brother Cugieco is really sweet and nice although very quiet to new people, maybe you can meet them some day!" Mugman smiled to that, explaining happily a bit on his brothers which Bendy listened in curiously it surely does seem. "So, what is it like having- well- family?" "Hold on, Bendy, how do you not have family?" Sans said once hearing Bendy ask that to Mugman, which made everyone's focus go onto Bendy now, which Bendy looked at everyone in slight confusion to it. "Wait, so we all aren't just kinda created from some machine or paper stuff???" Bendy said in confusion which made everyone give a bit of a concerned and worried look to Bendy, how is it he does not have a family is the wonder or at least even knows them.

"Bendy, how do you think we come into this world, dare I ask?" Sans spoke up, looking to Bendy who seemed to look at Sans then to the rest of them then to Brook for a bit then to Sans finally with an answer. "Well I do know there is a different way humans do I think but I thought everyone else just kinda came from a machine?" Bendy explained which everyone kind of looked to one another now which Bendy watched as they all did, which is a worry but hey let's save it for another time maybe. "Don't worry Bendy, look even then you're not left out of anything here, can explain it to you when the chance comes, okay?" Brook explained going over to Bendy to reassure him a bit better by patting his shoulder and looking to him, which he seemed to stare right back not suspecting it but yet smiled once got such a nice gesture like that not feeling ashamed for not knowing because of this, can't blame him for it after all it probably just was how life was back at his universe for where he is or that wasn't taught correctly at all by anyone such a thing like that.

"Thanks.." Bendy said, till then can hear screaming from somewhere, the sound of people being in fear and running from somewhere, which made the four all look to where it was heard, danger. Brook began to lead the way towards it right away running to where she believes the source is with the rest following right after her quickly to try and keep up with where she is headed, hearing the screams flee from somewhere but can hear screams from within a odd tent of some kind ahead that had the writing SHOP above it figuring that must be where the source is, heading right towards it without fear. Quickly once near watched as someone ran out screaming and hearing someone inside go "Aww what's the matter sexy?~ Too scared to have some fun?~" which made Brook look in with some worry now but stepped in anyways for shouldn't be scared now for anything. Which while entering was yet spotted by whoever was in there standing on the counter of this shop looking full of antiques and weapons and other sorts of things but it's been wrecked with it seems perhaps due to this odd someone on the counter wearing what appears like a jester hat covering there eyes that had a black and amaranth coloured side and the bells on it are replaced with pink hearts and the outfit looked as though almost like a lab coat being a burnt burgundy colour of some kind with pink scar like patterns around it, it appeared they even had elf ears that were the colour of there pastel pink skin with gloves and boots a bruised burgundy colour that they wore dark grey pants and a long amaranth tail shaped like a hook at the end, in which the person had a toothy grin that had a natural light yellow coloration to it.

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