--Chapter 10. Under That Hood--

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Chapter 10. Under That Hood

Walking, walking through the odd forest this place has, walking along the path that is all so bright and colourful and the trees bringing together this brightness it provides for them as they walk through this place, it's a wonder how does this place exist perhaps? How do many places even exist? Guess it's all just one the biggest mysteries there is on all of this, for now one must focus on the goal now, follow that unique fellow they met before and see if they will lead them to this guy who could supposedly be of danger and one of those other helpers of whoever is causing this stuff. "Now wait, wait, wait, so you're telling me Sans, your brother really did that stuff???" Bendy asked while walking with which Sans sighed in a bit of annoyance perhaps from all these questions he had been asked the whole time they all were walking together. "Yes, yes he did that stuff." Sans said in an annoyed tone but Bendy wasn't phased by that tone but more so excited on this, really enjoying learning this family stuff.

"WOW! That's awesome! Your brother sounds awesome, Sans! Who knew brothers are like that! Are all brothers amazing like that?? Makes me wish I had one!" Bendy smiled, wondering all so much what it is like while Brook and Mugman watch as the two chatted during all of this. "They seem like they get along quite in a funny way! Right?" Mugman asked, looking at Brook with a curious smile on his face. "Well, most of the time hehe, but I feel they would both get real close some day, just maybe not today hehe" Brook said which made Mugman laugh a little to it as then it seems he thought of something making him look at Brook again with curiosity. "Well what about you and the other two? I mean you seem really close with Bendy!"

Brother...Don't hurt me...

"Huh? Oh I don't think I am that close, although he is really nice for really wanting to help me with this, probably because I am the first human he's met. Although on Sans now, it's tough, I find him to be clever with what he can come up with but he seems he doesn't really open up at all though, probably because we're still strangers to him." Brook answered Mugmans question, making her look ahead to the other two where Bendy is talking away at Sans who is making comments back, seeing how Bendy looked over for a moment, giving a wave, then went back to talking to Sans. "Oh! Hm... Kind of like someone I knew back home, they weren't big on many people but they then began to open up the more I spent time with them and they were great! So maybe that's the same with Sans, Which I think he is lucky to meet you guys for you are both really nice!" Mugman said with a smile, looking ahead now as well smiling at the two who are ahead, surely he is staying all so positive about all of this, it's nice.

"Well don't exclude yourself out of it, you're a part of this group now, I think as well you'd get along with everyone here in which you already are." Brook said, looking at Mugman now who looked back listening to what was said, making him smile to hear that he is accepted into this group now so he isn't alone in any way. "Hehe! I can tell now how the rest are comfortable with you now really, such a brave sweet person even if you don't seem to have powers but your kindness does seem it's your power!" Mugman said, looking to Brook then looked ahead seeing Bendy and Sans still talking and Bendy seemed to bug Sans to try and get answers from him on some sort of topic but Sans doesn't seem to be budging, looks like he has to step in for it in a second.

"COME ON YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE IT AT THAT! WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM??" Bendy shouted, interrupting mostly the focus Brook and Mugman had when chatting to focus now on Bendy and Sans to try and find out what they could both be talking about. "Just don't worry about it, alright? You got your idea on an answer, I won't say more." Sans said back at Bendy who he stared at for a moment then looked away to focus on walking onward, making Bendy stare at Sans seeing that then looked down, seeming surely disappointed in himself for this sort of thing. "Uhm... Are you both okay?? You both seem upset..." Mugman said, looking at Sans and Bendy in which both looked over to hearing that, both staying silent for a moment on this. "It's nothing Mugman-" "Sans how can that be nothing?? It's something clearly, something that I didn't mean to do here!" Bendy interrupted Sans, seeing how Bendy looked at Sans with worry while Sans then looked back, can tell he was thinking even on what to feel seeing his shift in serious look to be more shocked or worried in some way.

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