--Chapter 15. Another Start--

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Chapter 15. Another Start

Wake up...

Hey, Wake up...

Wake up.

"Are you going to wake up? I Can tell you're still fucking breathing so if you're pretending your dead I'm not falling for that shit." A voice familiar but not too much spoken up, which made Brook wake up to a bright, almost a slightly drawn appearance the area seems to have. Seeing then someone nearby just standing nearby able to see the red eyes from this person staring right at her almost like knives just trying to stab right through, which made her realise who it was now. "Wh-... Who..." Brook mumbled kind of, although really she knew who it was, it was that Stiex guy, he has the hood and all for what she remembers, but what was noticeable more about him was his face seeing odd lines from his eyes on it and looks mostly black and white aside from those glowing red eyes. What is odd though is how she winded up away from the rest and he's here even talking to her. "You're not dead. Alright. Now I got shit to do, next time don't take fucking portals that lead to higher up places. You're a dumbass for it." Can watch Stiex explain, staring at her as he turned around and began to walk away just leaving her here, which Brook quickly got up to try and follow but right when she stood and checked where he was, he was gone, but he must've gone ahead somewhere in this place perhaps, meaning it's a good sign. She quickly got up and did realise she was back to normal for her appearance then how the previous universe made her look, which felt quite relieving to see even to see the necklace with that gem is still here, but she knows she is elsewhere, she just needs to find the rest.

"BROOK! YOU OUT HERE!??" Can hear a familiar voice shouting, sounds like the rest are safely here too, or so hopefully, making her quickly go over to where she heard it. "I'M OVER HERE!" Brook shouted as she went to where she heard it, hearing footsteps come to her as she went towards the sound as well. Once She saw it was Bendy it just felt more like a relief to see someone familiar around here. "Oh thank the inky lord you're okay! God didn't suspect one of those flying COTS to come chasing us in here knocking so many of us away.." Bendy spoke with relief in his tone as he went to where Brook is just able to take a second to settle down though it seems he isn't entirely, perhaps he doesn't know where the other two are just like how she doesn't know. "I hardly remember that... But it's okay I'm sure we all survived it in some ways ""Real question is- HOW THE HELL DID YOU SURVIVE A FALL LIKE THAT??? THERE ISN'T SNOW HERE TO HELP THE FALL THERE WASN'T ANYTHING HELPFUL TO CATCH YOURSELF IN THERE ISN'T WATER OUT THIS WAY AND YOU DON'T HAVE POWERS FOR WHAT WE ALL KNOW TO HELP SO WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???" Bendy shouted, Clearly he wasn't trying to be harsh in any way he was just worried and concerned while confused at the same time.

"I don't remember... But what I know is when I woke up that Stiex guy was here, meaning there must be people here to help us find who's causing this chaos." Brook explained as she looked to where she remembers seeing Stiex but of course nobody is there, it's confusing why he was there and if he was the one who did and why, there's too much unknown on the guy anyways. "WHAT!?? OKAY WELL CLEARLY THAT'S A SIGN! WE GOT LUCKY WITH THIS HERE BUT WHAT- WHY WOULD HE DO THAT??? Okay this is confusing but- OKAY! Let's find the rest first though! I remember seeing them go in a direction closer to the water around here so maybe they landed in it sooo- ONWARD!" Bendy almost shouted the last bit, as he turned around and began to lead the way since he remembers where it was as Brook began to follow with, hopefully they can find the rest, but really it is good all the questions for Bendy to ask, why did he, it's so confusing this guy that has been showing up at times even talking to some people about something, maybe if they could if there is a chance, can try to encounter the guy themselves. But the two went on, seeing this world be quite colourful despite the almost drawn look going on that somehow Bendy paid no mind to during it, but Brook was mostly because she isn't used to it and it's odd, how come Bendy isn't paying much mind to it? Perhaps for wherever he came from it's similar like this too. Soon it seems they managed to get to a more open space away from the trees and be able to see some simple little houses around and pathways all having their own space and even can see through the trees ahead just some water, which Bendy quickly began to hurry over to which surprised Brook causing her to follow. "MUGMAN! SANS! YOU OUT HERE?" Bendy shouted out in hopes for a response but nobody responded back, making Bendy kind of run now while Brook kept up with him. Bendy kept running on till soon both Brook and Bendy reached the water, which Bendy stood near trying to search around the area for if they were here while Brook did the same while taking a quiet breather from all the running.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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