--Chapter 8. A Whole New Look--

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Chapter 8. A Whole New Look




Wake up young star...


"Brook??" She heard from a distance, she slowly began to wake finding herself in a tree but the tree was strange seeming to have red leaves that fell down looking square like and the base was like a dark indigo color, and looking around the ground had a purple grass that blew gently in the faint wind that was here as the trees had a repeating coloration like the one she was in that saved her from the fall like magic. Brook then began to check around, trying to see what she could find and even checked herself but right when she looked, she saw her outfit had changed even herself, a pastel purple like coloration on her skin and the hood appeared more of a china blue color and the sleeves actually changed to be a celadon blue color as well while seeming a lot more grand then normal for how the upper area went more out in a almost grand way then usual, even checking seeing her hair was a dark purple instead of that brown color, even feeling a flower on her head that she took off to check seeing it's a more darker pastel purple quite like the purple boots she has to go with it and all that hasn't changed was the black pants, tank top and necklace she wore, Odd. "Brook???" She heard a voice call out again, the voice she realized was familiar, and if it is him then that means he is okay and hopefully not too hurt then.

"Bendy??" She shouted out, sitting up seeing if she can find a way down this tree, which when she said that she could hear the fast footsteps coming toward that are stepping through the grass quickly hearing the small rustles of each step before seeing that she was right, it was Bendy. Except Bendy appeared to look different as well in some way, although he still was black and white he had an outfit with a light gray top hat, a lighter yellow of a suit like outfit that had a dark golden color cape tied on with the bowtie he wore being now black, even his gloves turned into a light gray and his boots gained a light gray color and seemed he wore white pants to top it all off this outfit. "Woah, you look different too!" "Yeah, is Sans okay too??" Brook asked while Bendy seemed to find a way to get closer up the tree to help guide Brook down it to the ground which once on the ground can feel the grass seemed much more softer then the grass back home almost like it's a blanket or a nice comfy carpet. "He's alright! Just tired out and found a spot to rest, thinking he used a lot of magic even for helping us brace the fall better too." "Well thank goodness you're both okay from it, wouldn't know what I would do without you both..." Brook said, looking at Bendy surely thankful they are both alright, otherwise she would be lost and yet they have become quite the friends to her to think, but then again she isn't sure how she can say that right to them now for who knows how they'll both react to that, even if it's just Bendy right at the moment.

"Hehe, you're a caring gal for that Brook, now come on! Let's get back to Sans to see if we can figure out where we are!" Bendy said as a response to that in some way, beginning to then quickly lead the way a bit to where he remembers he was while Brook followed with behind, going through all these trees that looked all so unique and some having darker leaves to match the base having stars across it and these star like fruits or candies growing on the tree with the stars at times being a black color but some a red color that's like the leaves around, quite magical as well. Till then they reached Sans who was seeming to take a moment's rest but seemed to be woken by Bendy shouting "SANS!" a few times when approaching that made him wake up and look at them quickly. He too had an appearance change due to this universe seeing how his hood that had torn holes in the sleeve now is a darker blue but has that original blue it had being a flame pattern at the bottom of it while the hood became more of a slate blue but a bit lighter that appeared very flame like looking at it, the top he wore underneath seeming more like a T-shirt that was white but had a orange flame on the inside of it going with the theme, then the shorts became now mostly a lighter slate blue and his slippers are flame like as well but also a lighter slate blue, surely to keep that blue theme but his bones didn't seem to change color perhaps cause he is just a skeleton that is black and white as well.

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