--Chapter 11. Split Up--

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Chapter 11. Split Up

"Brook! Bendy!" Mugman shouted out while walking along the path with Sans who was checking around as well, trying to search for the two but there was no sign of them. "Think we're too far from the two Mugman, who knows if they will even take the same path as we are." Sans spoke up, making Mugman look over and listen to this information. "Well, we have to have hope though! We got to believe that they will go a similar path and we all would meet again! Which I'm sure they will think of taking this way because that's where this Alovo guy is going for the direction!" Mugman spoke with quite a hopeful tone, surely making Sans think on what was said for that as the two continued walking onward looking for any signs for if the two are around or ahead but yet there was none.

Sans checked around the area looking for signs while Mugman was going ahead for they are yet far more faster then him as he checked around, no signs of the two around but just the forest that yet seemed the area was growing more rocky appearing to be a stone blue coloration, perhaps they are coming up on a mountain or cave like location which checking ahead it did in some sense seem there was a cave ahead, which Mugman slowed down upon seeing it. "Oh... Uhm... It looks dark in there..." Mugman spoke with a scared-ish tone in his voice, which made Sans look at Mugman once hearing that. "Don't worry Mugman, it should be just a small cave, if it goes too far we can turn back and find another way." Sans said, looking at Mugman who looked back and smiled not seeming so scared or worried about it now while Sans began to take the lead now into entering this odd cave of sorts that was yet ahead while Mugman followed.

The cave although it appeared dark outside wasn't as bad once really inside for how it did lighten quite a bit up in an odd way but still was quite dark for Sans and Mugman to traverse but Sans leaded ready for if he needs to summon an attack while Mugman followed ready to use what he called his finger gun for if danger were to come towards them but so far there was no danger, just, silence. Anywhere they scoured it was all mostly of those rocks of sorts with the same coloration, some rocks darker in other parts of the area not as a shadow but just a different shade while there was cracks around of course but some had an odd black goop come out from them which seems to have cause discomfort for Mugman whilst going through here with Sans. "Uhm... Sans? Isn't this a little... scary?..." Mugman asked with a fearful tone of the area while he stuck close by to Sans who wasn't really scared by it but had his concerns on it.

"More unnerving, but, can see what you mean" Sans answered, checking the area for any signs of danger but there has been none to be seen. "You know, you're brave for not fearing going into here, kind of like my one brother who was always the brave and courageous one..." Mugman mentioned which made Sans go silent upon hearing that, causing him to quietly think on it while continuing onward while Mugman followed closely behind. Though while walking, Mugman was able to notice Sans grow into thought for what he had said for how he seemed to grow more focused on continuing ahead and wasn't really saying anything making Mugman grow with worry upon seeing it. "...Sans? Are you doing alright? Are you perhaps worried that we won't find the rest?..." Mugman asked, which seemed to catch Sans by surprise, making him look over to Mugman a bit with a slight look of confusion.

"What? Well... I'm alright and I'm not worried about that." "Oh! Well you must be sure that we can find them then and that they will be alright, it's good to think positive like that Sans!" Mugman smiled while he responded to what Sans had said, looking around the area growing not too scared of it now which yet made Sans quite curious by what had been said. "It's a bit odd how you can be pretty positive like this, isn't this scary for someone even your age?" Sans asked now, which Mugman seemed to be a bit confused but then understood what he meant now. "Oh! Well from the universe i'm from there always can be positive sides to things even when you could get into tough situations rather you or another puts you into, even if i'm a bit younger than you I don't think it should affect who you are and how you may view different things!" Mugman answered which Sans quietly listened in to it all while it appeared the cave was growing darker now perhaps they could be nearing a darker spot within the cave or it could be hinting a closer way out from here.

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