--Chapter 2. A cold world--

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Chapter 2. A cold world.

The area, it feels... cold. Where was she? What happened?. Brook seemed to slowly open there eyes fully to see around to figure she is far from home, left alone in this winter forest that felt the area was growing darker. What happened last time? Right, she fell through a portal and ended up here and Sonic... right Sonic isn't here but back there, fighting all alone, which she is alone to. Not to worry though, right? They both will find one another, maybe he will show, for now, she should continue forward, just alone this time. Brook pulled her cerulean blue hood on some more to handle the cold beginning to walk now once she has gotten her strength to get up, having to walk through the layers of snow that she feels thankful to land in a pile of it or that fall could've- oh she doesn't want to imagine what would happen.

She walked through the place keeping on the faint path one can see through the layers of snow, staying on it and studied the massive dark trees around with no leafs to be found but some had those needles that are similar to the pine trees back home, this universe, it felt like it was home but it's not, it felt brighter and the feeling there was something in the air, something far different from back home. The air, although it felt cold, was reminding her all of this is real, very real, a way to wake up to say even though it may bother her nose from all that cold air. She continued onward, studying around for something, anything, maybe someone that can help, so she called for help. "Hello?... Anyone here??..." Brook spoke out loud enough hoping someone would hear, which caused a rustle to be heard from a bush somewhere, which made the area grow dead silent. Brook looked over to where she had heard it, studying what it could be but she just saw darkness, inching a bit closer to it as if an attempt to try and see something but remained careful, who knows how dangerous this world could be after all, so she can't risk being hurt some more. "H-Hello?... Is someone there?..." She spoke out again to find silence, a dead silence, but felt as though one was being watched, watched by something that who knows if it has eyes to say, which felt as though something was wrong.


Is what suddenly echoed through her head, run, that's what she did then, which right when she began to a roar was heard, turning to look can see a creature that came from the bush calling upon others going after her, which caused a shock of fear to go through her, this is bad, very bad. Brook ran as fast as she could, turning any corners quickly trying to follow the path while she ran, hearing those creatures behind her that take shortcuts to pick up with her pace, they're getting closer, what is she to do? Till then she shouted "HELP!" as loud as she could even a few times hoping someone will hear, maybe someone will hear, someone ahead or someone from somewhere, hoping someone in this universe will understand and be willing to yet do so. She ran more and more until she took a wrong turn in the path reaching a corner surrounded by trees. This isn't good, there has to be another way, maybe she can run through the trees? Attempting to do so, she sees creatures deeper within, looking over to where she was and begins to creep towards some going higher up the trees so the idea of climbing won't work if they're up there. She's cornered, even looking to see the ones that chased behind her grew closer to, she's trapped, there isn't a way out.

She held onto her necklace tightly, attempting to back away from them but her back was against a tree, they were all around her, it's over. She closed her eyes suspecting the worst to happen, hearing the screams of the creatures screaming loud and lasting a while, till there was silence, was she... dead? "Are you alright?" is what she then suddenly heard, opening her eyes to see she still is where she is, her heart is still beating is what she can feel for it pounding in her chest from fear, which she looked over to where she heard the voice to see a black and white toon before her, except with a small bit of red on their cheek as if injured there that creates a injury looking like a lightning bolt, looking as though like a demon, an old cartoon demon with a white bow tie and gloves and black boots. "Wh- what happened?" Brook spoke up, looking at the toon then around, able to see another appearing as a skeleton who wore a blue hood and black shorts with pink slippers, except one can see a tear in the sleeves of their hood.

"Well we heard someone screaming and came to help! Since can't leave anyone in danger, even for someone who could've been really hurt" Seemed the toon responded with a small smile, saved by these beings of sorts, well, guess it's a way to pay back for her helping another being. "Oh- well, thank you, both of you..." Brook responded to it giving a small smile, surely thankful of them both for doing such a thing. "Alright, enough talk you two, come on can take her to somewhere safe and get back to helping others in danger" the skeleton seemed to then speak up, beginning to guide the way to there which the toon reacted to quickly, which looked over at Brook, offering a hand to help them up, which Brook quietly looked at it and accepted it, being brought up before the toon began to quickly chase after the skeleton, shouting "WAIT UP!" which Brook began to follow. Once both the toon and Brook were near, Brook just quietly followed behind while seeing the two beings walk together, seeming to chat which Brook listened in on.

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