hoyb pt. 2 : the rundown

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hickies on your boobs part 2.
published february 11, 2024. 2400 words
chaeryeong pov.

Ever since that Friday night, Ryujin and I broke ties, and I have no idea why it still hasn't clicked with me. I entirely believe she's my lover to this day, but clearly we are over.

The last heartbreaking things she said to me, "That's fucking whore shit. I'm leaving. I can't believe you," have stuck with me, and it seems like that's all I could remember from that night.

Just like that, within a snap of a finger, we aren't together anymore.

Since I kept a secret from her. I cheated. I messed up. I didn't care.

Even though we saw each other weekly, it's deeply affecting me knowing someone as gentle as Ryujin wasn't by my side anymore. No notifications, no sweet dates, none of that.

Ryujin was the best thing that had ever happened to me and I just didn't know it when I let my irresistible boss slip in the sheets with me.

And now I have to live with this mistake for the rest of my life, this terrible regret.

How could I fucking let my relationship with my boss build up to that point, you may ask.

Well, to give you a rundown, the previous Sunday, like I had said, she came over for lunch. And surprise, surprise, that wasn't planned. At all.


"This is great, Lee," she compliments the dish I made us with an effortless, hot hoarse voice.

"Oh, thank you, Mrs. Hwang," I express nervously and slide a strand behind my ear like I was Debbie Ryan, totally shy and lacking self-confidence.

"I might as well hire you as my personal chef instead."

I pick at the meal with my fork, seriously feeling blood rush to my cheeks. I hid my face and nodded my head to her suggestion, although I was completely lost in thought.

"You alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Sorry."

"You know, I also came over to discuss your quality lately."

I raise my head to look straight at her. "What?"

"Your work quality, Lee. The papers you're sending in to me have been lacking."

"Sorry. I'm sorry about that. A lot of things have been on my mind," I lie, praying she would let it go with the trust I'd improve. Since, honestly, it's all because of her.

She is causing this "bad work quality." Ever since she started hinting at questionable things a boss shouldn't be making and leaving dirty remarks with underlying meanings in my ear, I've been out of it.

She drops her fork and lies her undivided attention onto me. "Like what?"

I averted my gaze promptly, refusing to lock eyes with this hell of an intimidating woman, even though she was right across from me. In my house. "Like... more personal things, okay? It doesn't matter," I quickly mouth before she replies. "I'll, I'll get back on track."


My boss is such an unreadable person. Did I not tell her enough? Does she not believe me? Does she perhaps not even care?

I shake my head and change the subject, standing up. "Are you finished with your dish?" I ask, taking my plate to place in the sink.

"Sit back down, Lee. I'm not done talking with you."

A lump grew in my throat as I gradually returned to my seat.

"You tell me you have this 'girlfriend,' huh? Is that what's been bothering you, if that's the truth?" Her sharp eyes were narrowed, heightening my anxiety as she just kept eyeballing me.

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