(b) you x lia : birthday dinner

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published july 21, 2023. 5212 words
20K!!!! 20K!!!! 20,000 READS. 🥹 feels like yesterday that we hit 10k
second person pov.

Your best friend, (Friend's name), graciously arranged a fabulous birthday dinner as a special treat for her family friend. Little did you know, the guest of honor turned out to be none other than Choi Jisu, widely recognized as Lia, the phenomenal main vocalist of the immensely popular girl group ITZY.

Your best friend invited you to join in on the fun, as an act of guidance, and as a surprise. What is even more exciting is that they knew of your adoration for the group, with Lia being your absolute favorite. To add to the thrill, they had managed to keep her as a surprise relative secret from you until the very moment of the gathering. As you cherished ITZY with all your heart, you never anticipated meeting one of them in person.

When you first heard the news, you were utterly astounded, finding it difficult to believe such a statement. However, your skepticism quickly faded away as your best friend dialed Lia's number, and at that moment, sheer exhilaration washed over you.

Now, you were about to meet her in person, privately.

"Oh, God, (Friend's name). Shit, do I look good?!" you bluntly inquired, aiming to look your best for the occasion. You snatched your phone from your bag, opening up the Camera app to receive a mirror. You observed every inch of your face, ensuring all was flawless.

Your best friend groaned, stressed that you have been constantly complaining about your visuals. They were calm and collected, yet you were panicked. "(Y/N), stop... You're so annoying. Just think of it as not just Lia. Think of her as... Jisu. My friend, and hopefully soon our friend."

Your best friend's words hit you with solace, as they were profoundly accurate. In this unique perspective, Lia, the idol, holds a special place as a cherished family friend. You were about to meet her as Jisu, so you respectfully contemplated how you should approach, aware that she was your favorite celebrity.

"All right. Fine."


Your best friend abruptly shot up from the table, capturing your immediate attention as curiosity ignited within you, eager to come face-to-face with the alarm. You followed their action, propping onto your feet as well.

As soon as you perceived the direction of your best friend's look, your gaze shifted to that direction. To your sudden astonishment, your gaze fell upon none other than Jisu herself, standing right before you.

"Jisu!" your best friend squealed with sheer delight, their voice filled with excitement. Without hesitation, and light troubles, they went around the table, extending warm greetings to Jisu and embracing her in a heartfelt hug. Deep within their hearts, they had yearned for this reunion with Jisu, being that it has been a while.

"(Friend's name)! Hi!" Jisu reciprocated with an exclaimation of her own. She gracefully nestled her family friend in return, enveloping them in a tight hug of her own.

Your eyes struggled to comprehend the surreal image unfolding before them. There, standing right in front of you, was the real Jisu. Her vibrant blonde locks cascaded gracefully, radiating beauty, perfectly laying off her shoulders and back in display. Her captivating eye-smile and endearing figure were just as enchanting as ever, captivating your senses in a breathtaking moment.

The realization struck you deeply that this famous public figure was indeed real, and you were about to have the privilege of meeting her as an equal, engaging in a genuine human interaction. It was an opportunity to connect with her on a personal level, free from the confines of fame and celebrity status.

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