
60 2 16

London - 1977

Eretria raises her head towards the Hogwarts Express and her hazel eyes widen as a small smile blooms on her pale and thin face. She has always looked a little sickly. She is fragile in nature and has often travelled back and forth between her home and the St. Mungo's Hospital. Her brown curls are held in two duvets and she squeezes the doll a little more in her hand.

- Eretria! shouts a woman, Eretria, where in Merlin's name are you?

The young girl is lost in thought as she stares up at the train's chimney belching smoke, and she startles when she feels a hand come down on her shoulder. She turns to her mother and smiles before taking her hand.

- Honey, you have to stop disappearing like that,  said Lizbeth Jones.

- Excuse me,  said Eretria, I saw a butterfly and I followed it, and then I don't remember.

She is too small to be noticed in a crowd and she is pushed by a boy who runs towards the train, most certainly fleeing his parents and indeed, Frank Longbottom escapes the drooling kisses of his mother.

- Are you sure you do not want me to accompany you to the castle? asks the woman.  Your father can stay with your brother and ...

- No, mom, the brunette cuts her, everything is fine, don't worry.

Lizbeth looks at her daughter, although she is seventeen, she feels like she is still ten. She worries too much for herself but between the hospital stays and the fact that she always finds her daughter's belongings damaged, she worries.

- Tria, I worry about you, if you have problems at school, go to Remus, please, asks her mother.

Tria frowns her little nose stained with small freckles. Remus hasn't really spoken to her since their first year at school. Shrugging her shoulders, she walks to the train door and stops before taking her mother in her arms. Lucius, who sees her, begins to laugh but she ignores him, as usual.

- You want me to go to Remus?  asks Lizbeth. I'm sure Hope and Lyall had talk to him to help you at school.

- Oh, no, mom, don't worry, Remus has his friends, said Tria.

Lizbeth sighs and caresses the hair of her daughter, she knows that Tria is different, that she is a little elsewhere, in her world but she would like that she makes friends especially that the Lupins are the best friends of the Jones, Lyall and Hope are Tria's godfather and godmother and vice versa.

- Well, it's time, my darling, send me letters, all right? I am proud of you, baby, smiles the woman.

The girl kisses her mother and runs with a smile to the door of the train. Some laugh when they see her but Eretria has created her world for years, preventing evil from reaching her although now, this fictitious and simple world has taken up a lot of space in the real world.

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