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Eretria wakes up because a bucket of water falls on her head. The young girl sits up to the laughter of the girls in her dormitory and she frowns, still asleep. Her doll is on her bed, cut into pieces and the brunette is looking at the girls.

- That's not nice, she says, poor doll, I'm going to have to ...

She is interrupted by a cushion hitting her in the face and the others run off. The little brunette stood still for a moment, just long enough to come back to her senses, and then she stood up, taking the pieces of her doll in her hands. Sighing, she goes down to the storeroom to give it to Miss Norris, who loves damaged things.

- Tria?

However, he doesn't laugh and stares at her. Tria's hair is messy, her pajamas are soaked, she's shaking, and her doll is in pieces in her hands. Frowning, he moves a little closer.

- What are you doing in this state? And your doll?

- Oh, it's nothing, she says. A little joke by the girls in my dorm.

- But you'll catch a cold! exclaims Remus. And you're barefoot! Tria, you've got to get changed, come on, and if I ever run into those girls, I'm going to make them regret ...

He cuts himself when he feels Tria's little hand slip into his and he blushes, becoming very shy. She smiles at him and he walks her to her door before waiting outside. The young girl changes into her uniform and brushes her hair before going out.

- There, she says, thank you, Mr Remus. I'm going to give my doll to Miss Norris now.

- But you love that doll!

- It's ruined, she says. I'll buy another one. They've already broken seven of them.

- WHAT? shouts Remus before blushing, sorry, but ... Tria! What they're doing is harassment, you've got to tell the director and ...

The boy purses his lips, then takes Tria's hand before leaving the common room and heading for the director's office.

- You're going to say what's going on, he says. You can't let them keep bothering you, Tria.

- But I don't want to get them into trouble, Mr Remus, she says. It doesn't matter, I'll buy another doll and ...

Remus stops so abruptly that Tria is pulled back and he turns her round before placing his hands on her cheeks and staring into her eyes. This time there is no shyness or stammering. She opens her eyes wide and makes a sad pout as if she were being argued with.

- Stop it,
says Remus. I don't know what's going on in your little head, Tria, but this, what they're doing, it's not right, so you're going to tell the director everything, is that clear?

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