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Tria opens the door to her dormitory and smiles at Steviah, Regulus and Marlene before letting them in. The room is empty, the other girls had gone off to see their boyfriends, it's quiet until their return.. Soon it's Sirius and Remus who arrive, obviously Sirius has been grumbling, begging not to come to this silly book club, but Remus has been dragging him along by force and on seeing Steviah and Regulus, he tries to turn back, but the werewolf pushes him forward.

- I never thought I'd find myself sitting here with you, giggles Marlene. The Black brothers in the same room is quite a feat, especially Steviah in between.

- Shut up, witch, says Sirius. If I'm here, it's to support Remus because he didn't want to be the only boy here, even if it seems that an undesirable individual has invited himself.

- Very mature, Sirius, Regulus replies calmly. I'm here for Steviah.

- How nice of you, mutters the elder.

- Give me a break, bellows Marlene, seriously, the room is beginning to reek of testosterone.

Remus remains silent, sitting next to Tria, it has a way of sending him into a frenzy and he notices the doll on the bed, which makes him shiver, it's even more terrifying than he remembers and he grimaces before seeing that Tria is watching him.

- It's not... it's just... he stammers.

- She's called Lola, Tria cuts him off, do you want to give her a hug?

- What? A hug for your doll? No, I'm allergic to dolls.

- You are? That's sad, then, says Tria. I didn't know you could be allergic, I hope it gets better one day.

She smiles at him and Remus is angry at himself for lying to her, but she's so naive she'll believe anything. The young man looks away and looks at Sirius, as if to ask for help, but the other young man is too busy trying to catch Steviah's eye. He senses that this is going to end badly, but he says nothing and Marlene claps her hands.

- So, what are we going to do now? I came because Tria said there'd be sweets, and I'm not a big fan of reading. By the way, Lupin, since when do you read?

- He doesn't read, laughs Sirius, we all know why he came.

- Really? Why? asks Tria.

Tria opens her big, lash-filled eyes and looks at Remus, waiting for an answer, but the boy glares at Sirius, unable to answer. What can he say? That he came because he couldn't resist seeing her? That's stupid, she probably doesn't even know what love means romantically so what's the point?

- Didn't you want to come? Tria asks sadly.

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