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Tria loves Christmas, which is why she's up bright and early in her oversized pyjamas, sitting in front of her huge Christmas tree. Her little brother, Louis, is watching her with his big green eyes and she gives him a little parcel before opening her presents. As expected, she finds books, a doll, bat bones and a building to do.

Thanking her parents, she goes up to her room to put the bones on her shelf of strange objects, then puts the doll next to Remusa before observing them for a moment, smiling. The young girl goes back downstairs for breakfast and muses over her bowl before her father taps her on the shoulder.

- Your godfather and godmother will be arriving for lunch, he says. Have you prepared the presents you wanted to give them?

- Will Remus be there? asks Tria, opening her eyes wide.

- I don't know, darling, replies the young man. You know, he hasn't been around for a long time, he's probably got things to do.

- But we're friends now, replies Tria. He gave me a doll.

Louis waves towards his big sister and Tria turns her head to look at him. The little boy makes a few signs with his hands, unable to speak, and Tria responds. It took her a while to learn sign language, but she's getting the hang of it now. Biting into her chocolate croissant, she smiles at her mother, who places a kiss on her head.

- Don't dawdle too much in the shower, she says with amusement. Last time, I thought you'd fainted.

Tria rolls her eyes and laughs, last time she was watching the bubbles disappear. The young girl has very protective parents, they still consider her a child, and perhaps her behaviour has something to do with it, but it's her illness in particular that makes them attentive. The little brunette rushes off to take a bath and stays there a little too long.

She loves the water and thinks it's funny. Once she is dry, she puts a pretty pale blue ribbon in her wavy hair and then puts on a dress in the same colour with a little collar. She looks just like her dolls, only prettier. Tria was getting impatient, she didn't like waiting and went to find her mother on the sofa.

- Are they coming soon? asks the brunette.

- In a moment, answers her mother. You've got time to have fun if you want.

- Oh, OK, and now? Are they coming soon?

- Tria, go and have fun, sweetie, says the young woman.

Tria mumbles, but gives up and goes to find Louis to play with him. When there's finally a knock on the door, she leaps up and opens it, looking for Remus. She frowns when she doesn't see him, then the Lupins move aside and the young man appears behind them.

- Mr Remus! exclaims Tria. Hello godfather, hello godmother.

She put her arms around Remus and the young man blushed as their parents smile. It's been years since he's been here, and he's a bit embarrassed, especially because he blames himself. He adores Tria's parents and greets them with a smile.

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