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Steviah sits behind Tria and she observes her in the mirror reflection before ironing in front and she wipes her a little black line at the corner of her eye before placing the eyliner on the table and she smiles, proud of the result.

- There, she says, you're very pretty. Peter's lucky to have you as his date, although I don't really understand why he's your date.

- Peter's nice, replies Tria. He asked me out, and saying no wouldn't have been very nice, especially as he's very shy and I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Steviah purses her lips and sits down on the bed, taking Tria's hands and squeezing them gently before looking into the little brunette's. She doesn't know if she'll understand, but she wants to help her.

- Tria, she begins, in life... you can't always accept things for fear of hurting people's feelings, you know? You have to really want to say yes to accept because sometimes there are bad people who want to hurt you and I don't want them to take advantage of you. You wouldn't have wanted to go with Remus?

- It's nice of you to worry about me, Steviah, she says, but I don't mind going with Peter. Mr Remus wouldn't go with me at last, he's nice to me, I think... I think we're friends now.

- You know, Tria, says the Slytherin, some people choose to be mocking and even mean because it's easier to be that way than to admit how you feel.

- Like you and Sirius?
exclaims Tria. Sirius isn't very nice and neither are you, but I think Sirius thinks you're pretty but he's afraid to say so.

Steviah laughs, rolling her eyes, but she doesn't hold it against her friend. Tria is very special, but that's what makes her so endearing. In the boys' room, Remus is having trouble tying his tie and grumbles before James takes over.

- One day I won't be here to tie it for you, says the bespectacled boy.

- I'm gonna keep you as long as possible, Remus replies. It's stupid, I don't even see why I'm going. I don't have a date.

- And what am I? A lamp? laughs James. I'm your date tonight mate, Peter's got Tria and Sirius, well probably about fifteen girls.

- I'm having fun,
says Sirius. Well, are you ready?

Remus sighs and nods before following his friends, but when Peter splits up to go and find Tria, he finds it hard to move on and even hesitates to run ahead of Peter in order to get to the girl's door himself but, finding that stupid, he raises his eyes to the sky and follows his friends to the clandestine party.

Tria is wearing a pretty little pink dress and looks like a doll, which makes Steviah smile. The young girl lets her friend go and smiles at Peter when she finds him in the common room. The young man blushes a little and clears his throat, shy.

- Good evening, Peter, she says, you look cute in that suit.

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