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Remus observes the phœnix sleeping on its perch. Time seems to pass slowly as he waits. When the door opens, he gasps and watches the director settle into his desk. His half-moon glasses are askew and he puts them back on properly before raising his blue eyes to the young man.

- Can I go and see her? he asks. I know I have to be at school, but please. It's been three days since school started again and I haven't been able to go and see Tria.

- You've got bad notes, replies Dumbledore. Your average needs to go up, attending lessons is important for your future, especially with the exams coming up.

- Look, says Remus, I know I have to get good results, but all I care about is seeing Tria. You can't play games with a human being's life. Exams are nothing compared to that.

Remus purses his lips, keeping his gaze on the headmaster and praying inwardly that he'll accept, and when he sees his little smile, he knows he's won. The dark-haired man then gets up and follows him to the chimney before taking some powder and throwing it inside. Arriving at the hospital, he leaves the old man and approaches a nurse.

- Eretria is in room 12, she says. Don't stay too long, OK? And you'll have to wear a suit so you don't bring back any germs.

He nods, a lump blocking his throat and he swallows hard, following her in silence. If he'd known that Christmas day was the last time he'd see Tria in shape, he'd have stayed longer. Remus puts on the suit he's been lent and tries to get into it, but it's too short, so he says nothing and puts on the mask before entering a room.

His heart is in danger of bursting as he walks over to the bed where the brunette is lying. She looks so small and he notices that she has lost weight again, even though she is already thin, and he struggles to hold back his tears. The nurse closes the door and when he is alone, he approaches. Tubes are coming out everywhere and he struggles not to collapse. Tria turns her head towards him and tries to smile before removing the mask that helps her breathe.

- Hello, Mr Remus, I didn't know you were coming, she says weakly. Happy New Year. I wish you every happiness.

- I wasn't going to miss a chance to see you, he says with a slight smile. How are you feeling?

- I'm fine, the doctor says the operation went well, but he doesn't want me to go out, she replies. How's Steviah? She hasn't replied to my letters.

- That's good news, you know, a lung operation is no mean feat, says Remus. I don't know, Steviah is... different. I think there's something wrong with her, but I don't know what it is.

Remus watches the tubes, shivering. Tria almost died. Her pneumonia turned into a lung abscess and if she had died, he would never have recovered. The girl pats the bed and he hesitates before sitting down gently and she takes his hand.

- You're sad, she says. I can see it in your eyes, but you mustn't be sad, Mr Remus.

- You're going to be all right, aren't you? asks Remus.

- Oh, yes, says Tria. I can't wait to get back to school. I miss the lessons and then I miss you.

Remus watches this little hand in his and doesn't really think, he interlaces their fingers together and feels his eyes sting. Life isn't fair, Tria doesn't deserve all this and he jumps when he feels the brunette's hand on his masked cheek.

- Don't cry, she says, or you'll make me cry. I'm not allowed to, otherwise it'll hurt my lungs.

- Sorry, replies Remus. I can't wait for you to come back to school, it's not the same without you.

Remus squeezes the little brunette's hand, he'd like to stay longer, take her in his arms, kiss her cheek, but she has to rest and he gets up before looking sadly at the door.

- I have to go, he says. But I'll be back every day until you're back at school.

Tria smiles at him before putting her mask back on and Remus leaves the room. He stops in the toilet and bursts into tears. Tria never gives up, and he wonders how she always manages to keep smiling when he can't. He folds his knees against his chest and cries, his head spinning as he sobs. He folds his knees against his chest and cries, burying his head in his arms. He sniffles as he tries to calm down.

He has to be strong because he doesn't want Tria to know how scared he is of losing her. Remus takes a deep breath and stands up before splashing some water on his face. He then promises himself that he'll tell Tria everything. When she comes back to school, he'll tell her he loves her. He didn't care if she laughs in his face, but life is too short and he didn't want to waste any more time.

Remus made his way back to the hall and met up with the headmaster before returning in silence. Remus goes straight back to his dormitory and waves vaguely to James, who is eating some sweets. The bespectacled boy observes him before throwing one to him to eat.

- Where were you? he asks.

- I went to see Tria, replies Remus, and she ...

His voice breaks and he bursts into tears again. Surprised, James widens his eyes, but he gets up before coming to his friend and taking him in his arms. Remus needs a hug, so he tightens his arms and lets his tears fall.

- Hey, James says softly, it's all right, Lupin.

Remus sniffles and wipes his eyes before pulling back and dropping onto his bed with a sigh. James sits down beside him and looks at him worriedly. He's not used to seeing his best friend in such a state, and what's more, with Sirius seemingly overcome by melancholy, nothing is going right.

- Do you think she could love me? asks Remus.

- Of course, and frankly, answers James, I'm sure she already loves you. She doesn't look at us the way she looks at you. Look, Tria's a fighter, I'm sure she'll be fine and I'm convinced that you, Remus Lupin, will marry her one day.

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