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- What? shouts Remus, what do you mean?

- I.. I ..., Peter stammers.

Sirius and James watch the show in the biggest calm while Remus tries not to punch Peter in the face. He should not be so angry, sad and frustrated but the pain he feels is multiplied by his wolf gene that makes him feel emotions always stronger.

- Lupin, that's enough, says Sirius, what do you care if he goes to that party with her? I thought you weren't interested?

- I'm not interested in her, says Remus, it's a matter of principle.

- There's no principle if you're not interested in her, replies James.

- All right, will you let go of me? shouts Remus before looking at Peter, you! I'm warning you, if you try to touch her or .. or ... do anything else, I'll kill you!

Furious, he grabs Peter by the collar and shakes him before growling and he leaves the dormitory slamming the door so hard the walls shake and Sirius claps his hands before laughing and he gets up from his bed.

- And then he's not interested in her, is he? Why won't the idiot admit it? Besides, why did you invite Tria to the party? asks Sirius

- And you? Peter replies, Why didn't you invite Steviaaaahhhhh?

Shaken in turn by Sirius, poor Peter turns white, but that doesn't stop James from laughing and holding his thighs as Sirius finally lets go of him and leaves in the same way as Remus, slamming the door.

- Don't mention Steviah, says James, sensitive subject, you should know that, Pete. Come on, we've got a joke to play.

Peter mumbles uncomfortably and follows the bespectacled boy. Sirius, who has gone in search of Tria, finds her lying on the floor of the library and gives her a mischievous smile before grabbing her and putting her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

- Hey, what are you doing? laughs the brunette.

- We need you, he says, so I'm taking you with me.

Tria laughs, but she doesn't move and plays dead as he descends the stairs to join Peter and James in the agreed place. Putting Tria's messy hair down, she looks at them and smiles at Peter, and the boy looks down.

- He won't leave us alone, I hope, mutters Sirius.

- He'll come, replies James. He just needs to calm down and ... look, speak of the wolf.

Remus approaches, hands in his pockets, and is about to say something when he notices the girl. His face closes and he frowns before looking at his best friends, shaking his head.

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