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Tria runs down the stairs, notebooks in hand as she rushes to the library and slams everything down on the table, so hard that Remus is surprised, half asleep. He raises his head and, seeing Tria, straightens up and smiles at her. Since her release from hospital a month ago, he has been happy. He pays no more attention to the murmurs and stays close to the brunette.

Sirius and Steviah are the star-crossed lovers that James likes to call them. They're not there any more, just as they are. No one knows what's happening to them, but they don't talk and act as if everything's fine, even though it isn't, and Tria doesn't question them. She knows that if Steviah won't talk to her, if she won't come to school, it's for a good reason.

- Hello, Mr Remus, sorry I'm late, she says. The stairs got stuck and then I got lost and then I saw a butterfly, so there you go. Now I'm late.

- Hi, replies Remus. Don't worry, it's no big deal. I don't really feel like revising anyway. Do you want to go for a walk? Your mum said the doctor thinks you could do with some fresh air. There's too much dust in here and it's not very good for you.

- By Merlin, it's getting a bit pathetic round here, says Marlene. Hang on, kitten, before you leave me with that bespectacled weirdo, can you say the magic word?

Remus sighs as James rolls his eyes. Ever since they found out that Tria called what the boys have between their legs a tube, James has been horrified and the blonde has no qualms about teasing him.

- Tube, says Tria.

- Please, make me deaf, shouts James. It's not a tube! He's a peniaaaaauh.

James looks up at the librarian after she hits him over the head with a book and scowls as Marlene starts to laugh. Remus sighs again and leaves his things before dragging Tria out of the room. The little brunette hops up beside him, her arm clasped in his, and she smiles.

- Why doesn't James like that word?
asks Tria. It's a tube what you've got.

- Well, Remus begins, blushing, let's just say it's a word used by ... children and ... well, we don't say that when we're teenagers.

- Oh, and what should I say then? asks Tria again.

- You know what. Don't call, don't say any word that means ... that, laughs Remus.

- Why? I've got to know, because I've got to see it one day if I'm going to make babies. James says fuck, but I don't like that word. Making love is nicer.

Remus chokes before stopping and frowns, positioning himself to face the girl. Tria looks at him with wide open eyes and he puts his hands on the brunette's shoulders, plunging his eyes into hers.

- What do you mean, James says? What's he been telling you? murmurs Remus in exasperation.

- Oh, not much, replies Tria. He said you wanted to play with your tube with me and then he said a lot of rude things. And then he .. Hey! Where are you going?

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