
16 1 14

Christmas is just around the corner and Tria is delighted. She's decorated her dormitory because Marie and Marlene were kind enough to let her. She's put little ghosts everywhere and she can't keep her doll out of her bag. Steviah sits down at the table with a smile on her face and winces when she sees Remusa's ugly face watching her.

- Hello Steviah, says Tria. You look sad, what's wrong?

- Hi, replies the Slytherin. Oh, it's nothing. My mum's written to me. I can't come home for the holidays, but that's OK, I'll do what I can. What are you up to?

- Not much. Mr Remus didn't want to do his homework with me because he had to do something with his friends. So I'm a bit bored.

Tria is drawing on a sheet of paper, the library is quiet and she's enjoying the peace and quiet. She is startled when Marlene violently drops her bag on the table and she drops onto the chair with a sigh of relief.

- Hi kitten, she says before looking at Steviah. Hi snake.

- See you later, Tria, says Steviah.

She glares at Marlene before disappearing, and the blonde puts her legs up on the table, swaying. Tria wrinkles her little nose before turning her head towards her classmate, who is chewing a piece of gum noisily.

- You should be nicer to Steviah, she says. She's very nice, she gave me sweets last time and she gives good advice.

- She's still a snake, replies Marlene. They're all the same. Well, not Dorcas, but... I don't know, Steviah is... she hangs out with Regulus.

- Regulus licorice is nice too, he doesn't say much, but I think he's nice, I've got to go and see Mr Flich, see you later, Marlene.

The blonde waves to her and Tria collects her things before crossing the corridors. The Christmas decorations made the castle seem warmer and she stops to look at a garland that is shining brighter than the others when she hears voices and sees Lucius and his friends coming towards her.

- Ah, there you are, says Lucius. I've been looking for you. There's a unicorn in the woods who's hurt herself! The poor thing can't ...

- Oh poor thing! exclaims Tria. We mustn't leave her on her own! Is she far away? Take me to her!

Lucius exchanges a clever smile with his friends and nods before turning to leave. Tria follows them, not bothering to put on a coat, preferring to go and help the poor unicorn. Sirius walks past them and rolls his eyes as he meets those of the blond. Outside, the light rain has been falling for a while and the grass is slippery as they go deeper into the woods.

- There, says Lucius, stopping after a moment, she's in the hole there.

He points to what appears to be a deep hole and Tria hurries over to it. The brunette raises her head and is about to say that there is no unicorn when Lucius pushes her away, laughing. The brunette falls silently into the mud, head first, and spits out some of the dirt before getting up again, but the hole is too deep and she is too small.

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