Chapter 1 - More like a Prologue but alright

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Important info:

(Y/N) = Your Name 

 'banana' = Thoughts 

 "italics while talking" = Whispering

(L/N) = Last Name *click* = Sounds

(H/C) = Hair Colour Name: "Lets go" = Talking

'Bold Text' = Ddraig talking to (Y/N)

"Bold Text" = Ddraig talking out of the Gear

Bold Text = Boosted Gear Action


Third Person POV

We open to our protagonist currently in a heated battle against a formidable foe. One the likes of us mortals would be unable to comprehend. The sound of clashing metal could be heard emanating from the protagonist, grunts of pain and struggle can be heard while orange sparks flash by the camera.

*click* *click* *click* *click*

However this is not a real battle BUT it is important for our Hero (Y/N). The camera begins to pan away from the battle of the ages on screen showing us a very average room residing in the (L/N) household. A PC setup in the corner, a bed fit for a loner, a TV and console setup by the door to which he is currently beginning to struggle against his enemy. Around him are empty wrappers & packets of food, along with empty bottles of soda. There in the middle of the mess sat (Y/N) with messy (H/C) going a little past his shoulders. Wearing baggy clothes mostly consisting the black and red in colour, with obvious signs that they have been worn for multiple days judging by the creases and stains that litter said clothes. The clothes from a dump were hiding a decently toned body. Sweat absolutely dripping from the forehead of a man in focus. A man who is going to defeat his mighty foe.

(Y/N): "NO! ...... NOO! ...... I SWEAR TO GOD IF I FUC--"

A man who is getting his ass handed to him by his mighty foe. Glancing back to over to the man of the hour just in time to witness the anti-climactic end to the ultimate battle of good versus evil. The screen currently shows one standing and one falling. Can you guess who's standing? I'll give you a hint its not (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Okay ... Okay .... Deep breath in." *Inhale* "And out" *Exhale*

No rage here.


Never mind. Few seconds after the scream of pure agony and anger follows a controller being shot put towards the wall resulting in it absolutely destroyed. Looking towards the wall where there is also now a small dent resulting from said controllers untimely death, we can see the walls littered with posters of multiple different anime and games along with shelves filled with manga, light novels & figurines. Slowly calming down staring at what used to be a controller he comes to a realisation that he has just destroyed his last controller.

(Y/N): "........ *sigh* Well damn now I gotta go get a new controller. *Sniff* *Sniff* And get changed, I smell like crap."

After getting dressed into what could only be described as the Author being lazy he wears a black jacket over a red shirt along with grey pants and some basic sneakers. Grabbing his wallet and keys walking towards the exit of his family home he remembers to say goodbye to his parents as to be a polite individual.

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