Chapter 14 - A Very Interesting Shop

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Important info:

(Y/N) = Your Name

'banana' = Thoughts

"italics while talking" = Whispering

(L/N) = Last Name *click* = Sounds

(H/C) = Hair Colour Name: "Lets go" = Talking

'Bold Text' = Ddraig talking to (Y/N)

"Bold Text" = Ddraig talking out of the Gear

Bold Text = Boosted Gear Action


First Person POV -(Y/N)

I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.

Kuroka: "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kuroka Toujou and I am (Y/N)'s familiar."

Kazuma/Darkness/Megumin/Aqua: "WHAT?!"

I'm so fucked.

Megumin and Darkness seemed to get over their shock quickly and began talking to her asking questions about her tails. Aqua looked like she wanted to hit both Kuroka and myself. Kazuma was as baffled as I am.

Kazuma: "Hey, (Y/N)? Can I talk to you and Aqua alone for a few seconds?"

Before I even got to answer, I was dragged away by Kazuma to the kitchen. As soon as we got there Kazuma slapped me before shaking the fuck out of me.

Kazuma: "Dude! What the hell?! How is she here?! Didn't you say you were going there for a familiar?!"

Aqua: "I'm confused and angry but mostly confused. Who is she?"

I went to answer before Kazuma abruptly stopped shaking me and answered for me.

Kazuma: "She is Kuroka Toujou a Nekoshou, a rare form of Nekomata who originates from High School DxD. The same place his sacred gear comes from."

Aqua: "Oh. But then how is she here?"

I tried to talk only for Kazuma to shove a finger to my lips in a shushing movement before continuing.

Kazuma: "This idiot right here decided to crack the barrier of the multiverse and travelled to her universe."

Aqua: "What?! You're not supposed to be able to do that! No mortal has ever shown signs of being able to accomplish that let alone come back alive!"

Now Aqua turned to me and started shaking me.

Aqua: "Why did you do that?! Do you know what kind of danger you put yourself in?!"

(Y/N): "Firstly stop fucking shaking me!"

I got out of her grasp and tried not to throw up from a significant amount of motion sickness.

(Y/N): "Thank you. Secondly, I went there to get a familiar I didn't think I would end up bringing her with me! I thought I had just gotten some magical cat as my familiar."

Kazuma: "That doesn't change the fact that you did! Also if I remember correctly didn't you tell me she was a waifu of yours before?"

(Y/N): "Okay yes she is a waifu. But come on! Cut me some slack will you? I nearly fucking died using the spell twice."

Green Bean Kazuma took on a more serious face upon hearing that.

Kazuma: "You nearly died?"

(Y/N): "Yes. I don't know what exactly happens during the spell. When I used it I passed out mere moments into it. When I came back I was coughing blood. I'll put the spell on the back burner and when I'm bored out of my mind I'll try to make it safer."

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