Chapter 3 - Frog or Toad? I don't care just stab it!

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Important info:

(Y/N) = Your Name

'banana' = Thoughts

"italics while talking" = Whispering

(L/N) = Last Name *click* = Sounds

(H/C) = Hair Colour Name: "Lets go" = Talking

'Bold Text' = Ddraig talking to (Y/N)

"Bold Text" = Ddraig talking out of the Gear

Bold Text = Boosted Gear Action


Third Person POV

Ah, what a beautiful day. The peaceful sound of the running water by the stable our party of three had been staying. Birds were singing and simply enjoying their stress free lives. Some horses nearby were simply eating the grass and staring off into the abyss. Kazuma had a lifeless stare directed towards Aqua, who was currently latched onto a annoyed (Y/N). Hang on. Weren't they supposed to go on a quest today? 

(Y/N): "Aqua could you fucking let go and wake up?!"

(Y/N) was currently trying and failing to get a strong as hell Aqua off of him. The worse part? He was practically yelling and she wasn't waking up, even when being shook by him she wasn't waking up or letting go. If anything she snuggled more into him. She was also drooling, how modest. Seems like Kazuma was tearing up at the sight. I don't blame him.

(Y/N): "Kazuma can you help?"

Kazuma: "Life in another world. Ain't as cool as I thought."

(Y/N): "I swear Kazuma if you don't help me in the next minute, I'm punching you in the gut."

Kazuma: "I barely get by as a noob adventurer."

(Y/N): "I'm serious Kazuma!"

Kazuma: "A stable is the only place we can afford to sleep."

(Y/N): "I'm fucking decking you across the face once I can stand!"

Kazuma: "Adventurers aren't badass at all. They're just a bunch of day-labouring nobody's. If this was Japan they couldn't even afford a capsule hotel down some dink alley."

(Y/N): "KAZUMA!! FUCKING HELP! The drool is getting real close here!"

Kazuma: "Minimum wage. Fair labour laws. Why am I talking to myself?"

(Y/N): "KAZUMA!"

Aqua seems to have woken up, be that by her own volition or the yelling from (Y/N) about him wanting to punch Kazuma we shall never know. As soon as (Y/N) could move freely he got up and proceeded to do as he said he would. He punched Kazuma in the face.

Kazuma: "OWW, FUCK! Dude what was that for?!"

(Y/N): "You didn't help get Aqua off me when I fucking asked!"

Kazuma: "When was this?"

(Y/N): "Two seconds ago!"

Aqua: *Yawning like a new born baby* "Good morning. Why does Kazuma have a bruised cheek?"

(Y/N): "Not important."

Kazuma: "Don't good morning us. It's almost freaking noon. I thought we were doing a kill quest today?"

(Y/N): "Why the hell were you holding onto me so goddamn tightly?"

Aqua: "Oh right, since we weren't going to work I thought I would sleep in for once. Also you were comfy to hold and kept me warm (Y/N)."

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