Chapter 13 - A REALLY Dumb Idea

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Important info:

(Y/N) = Your Name

'banana' = Thoughts

"italics while talking" = Whispering

(L/N) = Last Name *click* = Sounds

(H/C) = Hair Colour Name: "Lets go" = Talking

'Bold Text' = Ddraig talking to (Y/N)

"Bold Text" = Ddraig talking out of the Gear

Bold Text = Boosted Gear Action


First Person POV - Kazuma

I heard (Y/N) walk over to me while I was cleaning the grave of the ghost that scared the shit out of us last night.

(Y/N): "Yo, Kazuma!"

Kazuma: "Hm? Oh hey dude, what's up?"

(Y/N): "I got a great idea earlier."

I can already tell this is going to be either insane or simple as hell.

(Y/N): "Well I want to get a familiar."

Kazuma: "Okay..? How are you going to do that? Aren't familiars only in the Familiar Forest in DxD?"

(Y/N): "Yes, which is why I'm going to go there and get one."

I knew it was insane. But how does he even hope to do that in the first place?

Kazuma: "How are you going to do that exactly?"

(Y/N): "Okay, now hear me out on this. Ddraig discovered a while back that I had a small reserve of Demonic energy. Only Devils are able to Enter the Familiar forest. If I make a magic circle infused with all my Demonic Energy I should theoretically be able to bypass the Devil check and enter the forest."

Kazuma: "Now that all sounds good and well but how are you going to get to the world of DxD anyway?"

(Y/N): "Well my dear friend. Issei has his Dress Break, you have your Steal skill. I have begun working on a magic circle that will allow me travel through universes."


There is now way in hell, that this guy is going to be able to pull off something like that! I mean come on! There are far too many factors to include when hopping realities!

(Y/N): "Jeez no need to scream I'm right here. Look at the moment I'm sitting at like one percent of progress. If you give me a few weeks, I should have a useable circle."

Kazuma: "How long do you think it will take you to make a stable one?"

(Y/N): "Oh, stable? That will take MONTHS to figure out."

This idiot. I swear he's the worse out of all of them.

Kazuma: "Alright. But what does Ddraig think of this idea?"

I saw a green orb appear on the back of his left palm that Ddraig's voice emanated from. 

Ddraig: "While I agree that it is an insane idea. He seems to have the basics down and I will be making sure he stays alive when using it. When he finishes his prototype I will deem it fit to use or to scrap."

Somehow he has a Heavenly Dragon on his side for this suicidal idea.

Kazuma: "Whatever. Go for it. Just tell me if you need anything while you're making it."

(Y/N): "Roger Doger chief!"

He walked away to his room I think and I was left outside all alone again. Please tell me this doesn't turn into an absolute pain to deal with.

KONOSUBA - Gods Blessing on this Red Dragon Emperor! (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now