Chapter 9 - The Tea Bag Incident

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Important info:

(Y/N) = Your Name

'banana' = Thoughts

"italics while talking" = Whispering

(L/N) = Last Name *click* = Sounds

(H/C) = Hair Colour Name: "Lets go" = Talking

'Bold Text' = Ddraig talking to (Y/N)

"Bold Text" = Ddraig talking out of the Gear

Bold Text = Boosted Gear Action


First Person POV - (Y/N)


I groggily opened my eyes to the sight of our lovely stables roof. How beautiful. However there seems to be something heavy on me stopping me from properly rising.

(Y/N): "You got to be fucking kidding me."

Aqua was once again draped all over my dumbass and holding me so tightly I'm surprised I haven't popped yet.


Kazuma: *sigh* "This ain't worth it. Working all day for peanuts."

I looked over to Kazuma who looked like he got done working not too long ago. A bag of money in his hand and a broom clenched tightly by a fist of rage.

(Y/N): "Kazuma?"

Kazuma: "Dealing with a loser Goddess that's clingy with your best friend. Fantasy world my ass. This ain't the life I signed up for."

(Y/N): "Dude?"

Ddraig: 'He seems like he's in his own world once again.'

Kazuma: "What happened to fighting dragons with a kickass magic sword? Being the edgy hero everyone was waiting for? Where's the party member I'm supposed to fall in love with? This world is such a ripoff."

What the flip.

(Y/N): "Hey, Kazuma?"

Kazuma: "Hm? Oh sorry dude I didn't realise you were awake."

(Y/N): "I know. You had that dead look in your eyes again."

Kazuma: "My bad. I'm assuming you want my help right?"

(Y/N): "No shit."

Kazuma: "Well I already tried to pry her arms off of you when I woke up. She has the strongest grip I have ever seen I swear to god."


(Y/N): "Fan-tastic. Oh well."

I summoned the gear which somehow didn't wake her with it's spikes and whatnot, but I can't complain as long as I'm free I'm happy. 


Let's see, is that enough strength to get out of a Goddesses grip?


(Y/N): "Motherfucker."


With an extra boost I was free. Finally. Getting myself sorted and putting on my adventurers clothes I picked Aqua up like a husband would do to their wife. Walked outside the barn with Kazuma in tow. Then threw her in the river to wake her up.



Kazuma: "Pffft, now that's something you don't see everyday. Hehe."

KONOSUBA - Gods Blessing on this Red Dragon Emperor! (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now