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My name is Aren Lawrence and I live in San Francisco. I would say my life was normal but it wasn't. Ever since I was younger I've had health problems, the only thing I ever was aloud to do was watch TV, read, and play video games I couldn’t do anything else because I might catch something new or give someone else something. just recently my immune system has gotten worse I'm on my way to the doctors right now to find out what is wrong with me. When I got their the doctor gave me one look and instantly had that stupid look of pity everyone always gives me.

"Hello Aren, it's nice to see you." The doctor said

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah yeah, I know the drill. Just tell me what's wrong with me."

He did a few tests including a blood work test "hmm very weird." He looked worried

Now I was also worried "what's weird doc?"

He looked up at me "it seems you have a new deadly strand of HIV"

"How long do I got?"

He checked his watch "3"

"3 what 3 years 3 months 3 weeks?"

He looked up "2"

"Wait what?"

"1 goodbye"

I fell over dead...how embarrassing...

Time skip about 300 years...

I've been floating in this dark ass place for god know how long. Could I just reincarnate or something.

"FINALLY YOU MENTION REINCARNATION!" A mysterious woman's voice says

I look around to find a very beautiful woman looking at me

(You wat her in the harem or as a mother figure?)"My name is Khione the goddess of ice and I will be your Reincarnation Manger today

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(You wat her in the harem or as a mother figure?)
"My name is Khione the goddess of ice and I will be your Reincarnation Manger today."

I blinked for a few seconds "Oh wow that's......amazing!!" I think I had stars in my eyes.

She smiled and also had stars in her eyes "Isn't? This is my first Reincarnation!"

"I feel honored!"

She had a huge smile on her face and looked down at a book "now according to the Reincarnation guide for beginners it says u give you 3 wishes!"

"Hmmm I wish to be Reincarnated in danmachi as a elf"

"OK that's your first wish now second"

"Could you give me a skill like bells Liaris Freese?"

"Hmmm sure we could make it where it's like his skill but instead of your love for some-"

"No I want it to stay how it is just I want it to also work with hate. Basically the more of strong emotions on either side of the spectrum gives me strength. "

"Oh I see. Hmm sure we can do that you will get this ability when you join a familia. And your last wish."

"I want a proficiency in ice magic!"

She looked at me surprised "ice magic? But I thought everyone preferred elements like fire and lightning."

"Yea others do but I prefer Ice magic"

She gave me a hug smothering me in her chest (if you don't belive it's big enough well...oh well it's plenty big enough.) "I'm so happy someone likes the element I'm the goddess of! Of course I will give you ice magic and I will give you a skill that allows you to use ice magic to it's fullest potential!"

"Thank you Miss Khione"

"Alright sadly I have to let you go to the danmachi world now. BUT I will stay in contact with you."


"You will find out. Talk to you in a bit" she put to fingers onto my head and I fell asleep when I woke up and looked around I couldn't recognize where I was till I looked over and saw something that shocked me

 Talk to you in a bit" she put to fingers onto my head and I fell asleep when I woke up and looked around I couldn't recognize where I was till I looked over and saw something that shocked me

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It was the astrea familias  grave! I looked around again until I saw someone walking towards me.

Ryuu looked at me "Hmm? Who are you?"

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Ryuu looked at me "Hmm? Who are you?"

Chapter end brought to you by Kaze and Luni looking at each other and pointing (Spiderman meme)

Word count 657

Frozen Heart (Danmachi x Male oc) very slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now