《The Start of the Thaw》

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On our way up the dungeon there was a bunch of monsters but most of the time Ryuu just cut them down before they got close. A few times though I got them and cut them down. The first time I killed one of them it went like this.

We were on the I have no idea floor and their was a bunch of monsters surrounding us when one of them was about to get Ryuu from behind when I unshethed my sword and sliced its neck when I did instead of disintegrating it started to freeze and the freezing started spreading to all the other monsters till they were all frozen solid. Ryuu looked at me "could you do that this whole time?"

I looked at her "I have no idea... but it worked..." I hit the one I cut with the base of my sword and it shattered causing a chain reaction for all of the monster Popsicles to shatter leaving behind crystals that looked larger then the others ryuu killed on this floor. I looked back at ryuu "...can I freeze everything?"

Ryuu looked back at me "no." She then started to pick up the rest of the stones.

"Aww. Darn it. I wanted to freeze" (spoken like a kid sad they didn't get candy or something sry it's hard switching from Mature to gentlemen to its a kid who hates everything and everyone but one person.)

Once Ryuu finished picking up the stones and putting them in her bag she walked over to me and reached to pat my head. I was going to let her but I remembered the trace of frost I left everywhere I stepped when I was about to back away she already had her hand on my head and she started rubbing it "don't worry you can freeze some of the monsters, not all of them." I felt my face start to become flushed. "Hmm" she started to feel my cheeks which probably didn't help my ever growing blush "your body feels colder then it should" I looked behind me at the frost steps and pointed at them.

"It might be because of that."

Ryuu nodded and she went back to patting my head. "Your hair is soft."

After a while of her messing with my hair and putting it into a ponytail we started moving again after a bit we made it to the top with little effort. Mainly because Ryuu is so fucking awesome!

"Alright were now in Orario  and I decided..." I clenched my eyes ready for her to say that she was going to drop me off at the guild. "That you obviously aren't responsible enough to take care of yourself. So I will I'm bringing you to where u work and I will try to get you a job there."

I was stunned "really?! Oh thank you!!" I hugged her and felt her heat it... it felt so nice... I guess I just got used to this cold body temperature that any form of heat would feel good.

She slowly hugged me back "yes your welcome... now can we get moving people are starting." I looked around and there were indeed some people staring

"Alright lead the way!" I smiled at her. And she gave me one of the cutest small smiles ever. I almost had a heart attack.

Chapter end brought to you by Luni saying everything that he loves about Ryuu while Bell is saying everything that he loves about Ais (there seeing who loves there crush more)

Word count 597

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