《Freeze, its Rose》

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It was the next day and so far the only exciting thing that has happened is Ryuu letting me hug her. I could die happy! There was nothing to do! And no one was coming in. This happened until the bitc- I mens Syr came in with a monster crystal.

Lumi: eh? Why do you got that?

Syr: a boy covered in blood dropped it yesterday and I was going to return it to him if I saw him today.

Lumi: oh? So you are THAT desperate that you are gonna hit on a boy that was covered in blood? lame!

Syr: shut up! Ryuu why aren't you saying anything! And why are you letting him hug you like that?

Syr: shut up! Ryuu why aren't you saying anything! And why are you letting him hug you like that?

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Ryuu pat my head and I smiled

Ryuu: I see no problem with letting Lumi hug me

Anya: Nyu don't let nyanyone touch nyu and nyuve only known Nyumi for a few days.

Ryuu: well... that doesn't matter, we have just bonded quickly that is all.

Syr: yeahhh OK

I stook my tongue out at her and she did so back.

Ryuu: Lumi behave

Lumi: yes momm— I mean ma'am

Ryuu: what was that?

Lumi: nothing...

Syr: oh well, I'm going outside to see if I see him

Lumi: hmmm~ Mammmaaaa Miaaa

Mama Mia: Yes?

Lumi: can I go to the dungeons, I wanna kill something!

Mama Mia: she you sure your able

Ryuu: he's plenty able, just don't go past the 8th floor ok

Lumi: Okkk~♡

Mama Mia: *sigh* make sure to bring your sword

Lumi: Thank you!

I went up to my room and grab my sword. I ran back down the stairs.

Lumi: Alrighty I'm out!

Ryuu: aren't you forgetting something?

I thought for a second and got a idea.

I ran up to Ryuu and

Lumi: *chu~♡*

I kissed her on the cheek.

Lumi: bye bye~

I ran out the door.

Ryuu: *blush* CLOCK OUT!

Syr: I don't see you complaining.

Ryuu: shut up

Mama Mia: what a bold boy! Hahahaha

*back with Lumi*

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