《🍋Freezeing Love🍋》

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A/N: I'm not a very good lemon writer but I hope you enjoy~☆

Me and Ryuu were laying in my new bed in the Loki manor, relaxing.

Ryuu: well today has been... eventful.

Lumi: Yep, I went to the dungeons, we started dating, I joined the Loki famila.

Ryuu: yes and its about to become even more eventful~♡.

Lumi: wha—

Ryuu smashed her lips on mine. When she pulled away she had a large blush matching mine

Ryuu: I want a second session~♡

I put my arms around her waist

Lumi: oh really now~♡

Ryuu: 19 rounds weren't enough darling~♡

Lumi: oh how much I agree~♡

Tsuki P.O.V

I was watching Lumi and Ryuu through a TV with Khione.

Tsuki: why are we watching this?

Khione: ah, well simple really I wanna see my sons second time since I missed the first time.

Tsuki: why am I here then?

Khione: because you made me miss my sons first of course.

Tsuki: ... your weird. Nero wants me soooo bye~☆

I teleport away to my wife.

Nero: Tsuki my darling preator your late you know what that means~♡

Nero: Tsuki my darling preator your late you know what that means~♡

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Tsuki: ...my poor wallet...

3rd P.O.V

Ryuu: We both are already ready, so let's just skip the foreplay~♡

Lumi: OK darling~♡

Ryuu started to sit on Lumis dick, but before she could Lumi quickly fliped them over.

Lumi: last time you were on top the hole time. It's my turn now~♡

Ryuus face became bright red.

Ryuu: oh~ I like this~

Lumi aligned his member with Ryuu's womanhood. He only rubbed it against her erotic zone.

Ryuu: Mhh~♡ stop teasing and get on with it~♡

Lumi grinned.

Lumi: why would I do that~♡

Ryuu: Because you love me~ now stick it in me~♡

Lumi decided that he would comply to her demands for now.  He pulled back before ramming his roost— I mean cock all the way to the base.

Lumi: Ghh~(how would a grunt be done?)

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