《Cold to Others Warm to Ryuu》

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Ryuu was pulling me to her work by my hand.

Ryuu looked back at me "there is only women at my work so be prepared for that ok."

I nodded "oook."

"I want you to behave. Keep the gloves and boots I bought you on and don't freeze everything ok."

She pointed at the frost resistant gloves and boots that she bought me to stop me from freezing everything I touch. "Ok Ryuu." I smiled at her and she pulled me to a door

" I smiled at her and she pulled me to a door

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I looked at the sign "Hostess of Fertility." I looked at Ryuu.

Ryuu looked at me then at the sign "sigh it's not like that it's just a name that (please correct me if I'm wrong) mama Mia came up with"

"Is mama Mia the owner?" (Remember he is pretending to not know about the world)

Ryuu pat my head "of course"

"Yes! Headpats!" Ryuu continued for 5 minutes before she went and opened the door and pulled me in and I looked around. Just like Ryuu the anime did not do this place justice it was beautiful.

A girl with silver hair looked at us. "Hey Ryuu were going to open in 20 minutes. Who's that? Your boyfriend~?"

I looked at the silver haired girl I think I remember her she was always so pushy. I never liked her so I didn't bother remembering her name kind of like that bitch Freya, but I'm forced to know her name. And she was way to energetic. I hate energetic people there always so cheerful and they always gave me so much pity. Pity. Pity. Pity.  Pity. FUCKING PITY. I clenched my fists. I started to feel my surroundings start to cool. I felt my hand being grabbed I looked over to see Ryuu holding my hand. She then looked over to the silver girl "no he's not my boyfriend" she whispered something that I couldn't hear then she went back to silver girl "I found him in the dungeon but he doesn't remember anything so I'm going to take care of him till he joins a famila. I was going to try and get him a job here."

A rather tall dwarf came up "so you want a job here? Whats your name. "

I looked at her. "Uh yes ma'am. And my name is Lumi North"

"Hmm... well we do need a bar tender so learn how to do that and I will hire you."

Well that's good. I learned how to bartend online and my dad always wanted me to learn how to fix different cocktails so I already knew how to do it.

I started making a cocktail

(Kind of like this)

I sat the drink in front of Mama Mia "here you go." Ryuu started patting my head again. I smiled. Mama Mia drank the cocktail.

Mama Mia looked at the empty glass and then looked at me "can you do other drinks like this?" I nodded "then your hired" I grinned and hugged Ryuu

"Thank you Ryuu!" (Super Happy) I then looked at Mama Mia and bowed "Thank you aswell" (super formal)  the silver haired lady dropped the plate she was holding.

"Did you just change personality in a split second"

I glared at her "What's it to you?"

Ryuu but her hand on my head and I smiled again.

Mama Mia shook her head. "Ok were opening in about 3 minutes so everyone get ready and Lumi put this on you can keep the frost resistant stuff on."

I went to the changing room and put the outfit on and grabbed a rose from a pot and froze it solid

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I went to the changing room and put the outfit on and grabbed a rose from a pot and froze it solid. I then put it in my shirt pocket.

"Alright let's do this

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"Alright let's do this." I opened the door and stood at the bar and Syr (who I had been forced to learn her name along with everyone else that worked here) opened the door and sat out the 'open' sign.

Chapter end brought to you by Luni using his ice touch to chill drinks before serving them.

Word count 677

Frozen Heart (Danmachi x Male oc) very slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now