《Back to Work, Status Check》

439 11 7

Lumi P.O.V

I followed Ryuu down the stairs mesmerized by her....backside. it wasn't long before we made it back down to where the flat goddess and her famila were.

Loki looked at us "yall done fuckin or some shit."

Ryuu and I blushed "WE WERE NOT!" We said at the same time.

Mama Mia laughed "you two are like a couple."

Our blushes grew and we looked at each other. I then looked at the ground.

Loki leaned back "Hey Lumi do you want to join my famila?"

I went behind the bar, "I will think about it, it depends on Ryuu."

Loki shrugged her head, "ehhhh good enough. Would you like for me to check your status?"

I looked at Ryuu and she nodded "you should have it checked, it would be good for you."

I looked back at Loki "after my shift is over.... speaking of which, Mama Mia when is my shift over?"

Mama Mia laughed "your shift has been over for the last 3 minutes hahaha!"

"Oh... well I guess that means your checking my status now." I said to Loki.

Loki stood up "Ok in order to check your status, you need to take your shirt off." I did one of those cliché anime girl covering their chest scene "not like that... oh ryuu could come with us, that would help you right?"

I look to ryuu and she nodded so I nodded as well "Oooooook!"

We went back up the stairs, but to my room this time in which I took my shirt off almost immediately, when I did Ryuu face exploded into a blush. Loki rolled her eyes  "lay face down on your bed." I did so and she sat on my back.

"This feels weird." I muttered under my breath.

Quick change to Ryuu's P.O.V

I can't kill a goddess.... I can't kill a goddess.... I can't kill a goddess.... I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....I can't kill a goddess....

Back to Lumis P.O.V

After a few minutes loki was finally done, she got off my back allowing me to sit up in her hand was a piece of paper, "it took longer then normal cause your not apart of my famila, but he... You are a mother fucking monster..."

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head slightly.

She shook her head and handed me the piece of paper. On it read

Lumi North
Lv. 4

STR: S960
END: A874
DEX: A890
AGI: A896
MAG: S935
Development Abilities:
Swordsman:                           S
Mage:                                       S
Abnormal Resistance:        S

Polar Vortex: swolows the enemy in a Ice like hurricane

Daiguren Hyorinmaru: It can create ice out of thin air, and freeze almost everything it touches, including the surrounding air. There is a off shoot of this where the user has a dragon like armor made of ice (Hitsugaya Toshiros Bankai)

Chilling Embrace: makes a frozen mist around user that the user can make into whatever they want, instantly freezes enemy


Below Zero: No matter how hot(temp wise) your opponent is your ice will never melt and will be just as effective as normal .

Frozen Soul: anytime of fire or heat abilitys or magic have no effect on you.

Winters Touch: anything that you don't love and you touch will slowly or quickly freeze depending on how much you dislike it.

Son of Ice: being the biological son of Khione anything that has relation to ice will follow your command.

Kanjō no heijun-ka: your emotions will help you gather experience

Abominable: When covered in ice or in a frozen biome stats are doubled

I looked at my status sheet "....shit."

Chapter end brought to you by Lumi freezing and unfreezing his bed at night.

Word count 781

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