《Niflheim's Prince》

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Lumi: Round 2 bitch!

Fang: Ah, so you can still stand...


Lumi: What are we in Akame Ga Kill?

Lilith: No we are still in danm— uhhh what are you talking about? What's akame ga kill?

Fang: ? What the hell are you two talking about?

Lilith: Nothing! Now stop playing with your food and get me out of here Luminore!

Lumi: *dramatic eye roll* fine fine.

Lumi(thoughts): my name isn't Luminore... it's close though

Fang dashed forward with his axe raised high.

Fang: enchanted steel

Fangs axe started glowing a ominous shade of red

Fang: Enchanted wood,

Made from the world tree

Allow me t—

I dashed at him and cut his axe in half, my frost curse enveloped his axe. Fang dropped his axe before it got to him.

Fang: ...you didn't let me finish my magic!

Lumi: Bitch this isn't DBZ!

Fang: WhAt ThE fUcK iS DBZ!

Lilith/Lumi: ...the fan base ruins it... wait what?

Fang: you two confuse me...

Lilith/Lumi: good.

I walked over to Lilith and cut her chains. (My curse didn't transfer onto the chains cause I kinda liked the design of them... take that how you wish.)

Lilith: finally you cold mother fucker!

Lumi: 💢 shut up you damsel in distress!

Fang: I'm still here!

I turned around to see Fang lifting up his arms to attack me.

Lumi: Idiot...

I swung my sword. A satisfying fwshh rang through the air.

Fangs head was now 5 feet away from his body.

Lumi: ...well that was anti climatic...

Lilith: ...yeah it was.

Lumi: now why did you call me Luminore?

Lilith: oh well... Luminore was apparently a god of the past, the pictures I've seen of him kinda looked like you.

Lumi: OK then... well my name is actually Lumi... so close enough.

Lilith: you already know my name!

Lumi: Cool... now what to do...


Lumi: ...you see when you do that I don't want to...

Lilith: ...please take me to the surface

Lumi: Much better.

I put my frost resistant gloves on and grabbed her.

Lumi: Come on looser let's get the fuck out of here!

Lilith P.O.V

I won't let Freya get to you this time Lumi...

Never again...

We've both had our time away from Danmachi.

But you got the short end of the stick in those reincarnation.

After all you are Niflheim's Prince in this world.

Chapter end brought to you by Lumi and Lilith arguing like a old married couple.

How'd yall like the chapter?

Daily FGO news: I got Achilles and Orion/Artemis, I've also gotten another member of the stalker group Serenity, now all I'm missing is Raikou...

Oh I also got kid gil... why not adult gill ;-;

Still wishing for Nero and Space Ishtar tho...



I'm not sad, but I'll cry
I'm kinda bored, so I'll cry
The universe is drowning in spilled tears
Everyone, there's nowhere to run

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, to all of mankind
It's all my fault, It's all my fault, I'm sorry
Truly, truly, truly, truly, you have my apologies
Let's all meet again inside the next ecosystem

Reminder on Lumis stats

Lumi North
Lv. 4

STR: S960
END: A874
DEX: A890
AGI: A896
MAG: S935
Development Abilities:
Swordsman:                           S
Mage:                                       S
Abnormal Resistance:        S

Polar Vortex: swolows the enemy in a Ice like hurricane

Daiguren Hyorinmaru: It can create ice out of thin air, and freeze almost everything it touches, including the surrounding air. There is a off shoot of this where the user has a dragon like armor made of ice (Hitsugaya Toshiros Bankai)

Chilling Embrace: makes a frozen mist around user that the user can make into whatever they want, instantly freezes enemy


Below Zero: No matter how hot(temp wise) your opponent is your ice will never melt and will be just as effective as normal .

Frozen Soul: anytime of fire or heat abilitys or magic have no effect on you.

Winters Touch: anything that you don't love and you touch will slowly or quickly freeze depending on how much you dislike it.

Son of Ice: being the biological son of Khione anything that has relation to ice will follow your command.

Kanjō no heijun-ka: your emotions will help you gather experience

Abominable: When covered in ice or in a frozen biome stats are doubled

Frozen Heart (Danmachi x Male oc) very slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now