《Famila? or not?》

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When I finally got back to the Hostess of Fertility it was about 1½ hrs till  our busy period. I ran straight to Ryuu and hugged her.

Ryuu: hel— *sniff* have you been near other women?

Lumi: yeah against my will

Ryuu: ...ok well that's not that bad... so what do you need?

Lumi: another dose of Ryuu

I put my face in the crook of her neck. Taking a little sniff of her sent every time I breathed.

Ryuu P.O.V

I felt his breathing on my neck.

It was weirdly a nice feeling.

But I was still mad at him for talking to other women.

Wait why am I mad? Were not dating... even if I want to.... wait what am I thinking?

Lumis breath breaks me out of my thoughts when I feel her breath on my nape (in my experience in dating psychos, breath on your nape is.... something you need to do...) when he did that I felt a shiver go down my spine. Afterwards Lumi let go.... sadly

Lumi P.O.V

I sadly let go of Ryuu and looked her in the eyes

Lumi: what do you think of me joining the Loki famila?

Ryuu: ...it's up to you.

Inner Ryuu(her thoughts): there's a bunch of girls in that famila... they might steal Lumi

Lumi: I don't know... I want to be with Ryuu-Chan...

Ryuus eyes brightened.

Lumi: but I could go further in the dungeons with the loki familas help...

Ryuu took a breath in and out. She looked out a window she then started thinking, "how could we achieve both."

Ryuu: ...you could join them, but convince them to let me stay with you.

Lumi: *blush* like in he same room?

Ryuu: *blush*  ...y-yes

Lumi: *blush*  but that's something for couples were not a couple... yet

Ryuu: hmmm? Yet.

Ryuu got closer to me to where she was a few inches away from kissing me

Ryuu: what do you mean by yet? Do you perhaps wish to   date me?

Inner Ryuu: come on... please fall for the bait so I don't have to... force this on you...

Lumi: p-per-perhaps..

Ryuu: good... then you won't resist...

Mama Mias P.O.V

Syr: do you think she realizes that we can hear them?

Mama Mia: does it matter? All I know is that my ship has sailed...

Anya: Nyu ship them? Nya~

Mama Mia: Yes...

I take out a book with multiple names listed I go to Lumi x Ryuu and put a check next to it. I then flip to the next page to see hand writing that's not mine.

Luminore x Freya

...who's Luminore? And why are they being shipped with Freya?

I couldn't think of it for long because I heard a very loud moan...

Syr: they have 69 minutes till we get busy.. do you think they will be done by then...

Anya: Nyi don't. Nyelfs nyare nyapparently very sexual creatures.

Syr/Mama Mia: of course they are. Wait his do you know this?

Anya then ran away

Time Skip all 69 minutes and P.O.V change to Lumi brought to you by everyone in the Hostess of Fertility finding out how thin the walls are...

After a hour of .... fun. Mama Mia made us stop and get ready for work in 9 minutes. Luckily they did have showers so we both quickly showerd and changed into our work clothes. That took about 5 minutes. What took us the other 4 was hiding all the marks we gave each other....

yeah what Anya said was right... what?

Did you not think we couldn't hear them?

We could.

After a while the loki famila FINALLY came to the Hostess of Fertility. Oh yeah Bell was here too. You knos what happens bete talks about how bell is a scrawny tomato kid and bell runs off (I am not writing the scene where bete disses bell. I'm just gonna skip to when bell runs out sorry if you wanted to read Bete being a idiot.)

Once bell ran off I walked behind bete and took of my glove long enough to put a bit of ice on him. After putting my glove back on I make the ice spread to cocoon his body.

Loki: aw darn... oh well heyo lumi ya gonna join my famila?

I look at ryuu and she nods

Lumi: sure, but Ryuu is gonna live with me.

Loki: eh it's all good!

Inner Tiona(her thoughts): aw darn he's taken... wonder if she will share...

Inner Ryuu: you will have to do 5 trials bitch....

Chapter end brought to you by me writing this at school...

Oh and also Tiona trying to convince Lumi that not all energetic people are two faced.

How'd ya like the chapter

I'm tired

Who do you want to join the harem next?





Extra harem member (tell me who if so)

Extra harem member (tell me who if so)

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Word count 825

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