《Lilith Joins the Family》

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A/N: hello fuckers! It's ya favorite space god, Tsuki Oritsu!

I've been watching The Music Freeks lately and I gotta admit that shit is awesome.

Jake X Hailey for me.

Besides that I'm getting low on ideas for this story so if you got any please inform me~☆

And don't worry I won't drop this book, but at the same time I will not be writing the whole series.

I can't drop this story or Khione will kill me ;-;. And yes Khione is based off of one of my friends IRL.

Now onto your regularly scheduled chapter!

Lumi P.O.V

After Lilith and I got to the surface and I gave the Guild Cashier my monster crystals I brought Lilith to Loki.

Loki: ...so you found her... in the dungeons?

Lumi: Yep...

Loki: ...I see nothing wrong with this, so what do you want Miss. Lilith?

Lilith: I wish to join your famila!

Loki: ...ok then take of your top and lay down~

Lilith: ...I feel violated

Lumi: I can leave if ya wa—

Loki/Lilith: No stay!

Lilith: just look away while I get Lokis blessing.

Lumi: ... ok then.

I flopped on a chair and looked away while Lilith and Loki did their thing.

Lilith: you can look now.

I turned my head to see a top less Lilith.

Lilith: Like what ya see~

I grabbed the closest item (which was a candle stick) and threw it at her.


Loki: Hahahahaha!!!

Lilith sighed and put her top back on.

Lilith: Fine~

Loki: OK here's ya stats.

Loki handed Lilith a peice of paper after a bit of reading she handed it to Mr.

Lumi: ...why do I have this?

Loki: Cause your now her "Gardian"

Lumi: How so?

Loki: You brought her to us so you have to look after her for a few months

Lumi: Fuckin hell...

I looked at her status sheet.

Lumi: ...*sigh* I'm gonna have my hands full...


Lv. 3

STR: E455

END: F360

DEX: A899

AGI: A879

MAG: SS1298

Development Abilities:

Mage:                                       S

Abnormal Resistance:        I


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