《First Day on the Job》

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A bit after Syr put out the open sign we started to get some customers came in, not much but that was because it wasn't night time (which was their, wait no I work here so it would be our busy time) no one really wanted any achohol or any cocktails this early so I used my extra time to talk to Ryuu.

"Hey Ryuu!" I walked up to Ryuu. "Is it always this slow during the day?"

Ryuu looked over at me "Yes, normally it is at this time"

I nodded "Ok! So what do we do?"

Ryuu pats my head "just be patient ok Lumi."

I sat on a chair "ooook!"

Ryuu sat in the chair next to me "have you gained ant new memory's?"

I shook my head "except for a few about snow."

Ryuu sighed and started to play with my hair "and nothing about the fact you can't touch anything without freezing it?"

I shook my head again "nope~! I'm getting bored~ how long till we get busy."

Ryuu looked out of a window "about 5 hours."

I sighed "Oh well" I took of my right glove and ran my finger across a table causing a trail of frost to appear. "Guess I will just be bored"

Ryuu shook her head and put my hair into a ponytail, "I will keep you company until we get busy."

Syr appeared "I can keep you company aswell!"

I glared at her "go away." I felt the surrounding temperature cool dramatically and my ungloved hand started to emit a fine mist until Ryuu put her hand on my gloved one. The temperature returned to normal and I put my glove back on "Please..."

Syr walked away muttering something about Freya, I honestly don't care.

I focused back on Ryuu "Yay! Ryuu and Lumi time!"

Ryuu shook her head but smiled "you would be hopeless without me."

"Yep! I'm sorry if it's bothering you..." I lowered my head.

"I never said that, I actually like it quite alot." Ryuu ran her fingers through my hair   "your hair is rather long."

"It is isn't it." I looked at her hair. "Your hair is short, it's cute."

Ryuu blushed "thank you."  We talked about random things for a while I'm pretty sure we flirted with each other. I know I flirted with her, I always try to. We did this till customers came more frequently, which is when Mama Mia forced me to return to the bar, in which I started making a bunch of different drinks for people who ordered them, it was like this until I heard exited yells and screams. All I could do Is sigh, after all there is only one group of people in the danmachi world that would be this rambunctious. The loki famila... the door flew open revealing the flat red headed goddess and her group of weirdos.

Loki looked at me "Hey Mama Mia did you hire someone new?"

Mama Mia nodded "Yes he came from the dungeon, Ryuu found him and he's good at making drinks so he's on bar duty."

Loki walked over to me "Oh this man's very pretty, but also handsome...  Hey Mama Mia can I have him?"

Mama Mia shook her head "No, even then you might want to run it by him and Ryuu first."

Loki rolled her eyes "I'm sure he would love to join someone as beautiful as me. Riight~?"

I looked at her with disgust "I wouldn't join something who flaunts something they don't have. And your supposed 'beauty' is nothing  to Ryuu's."

I heard something being dropped so I looked over to see Ryuu blushing "Oh hi Ryuu!" I ran up to her and smiles.

She grabbed me by my arm and started pulling me out the door "come on, Mama Mia were taking a break!."

Chapter end brought to you by Lumi loving Ryuu a bit to much.

Word count 659

Frozen Heart (Danmachi x Male oc) very slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now