《The 'Break'》

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Ryuu dragged me up stairs into her room (I was given a tour but theres now way im telling yall perverts about it). "Why did you say that down their!?"

I tilted my head. Why was she yelling at me? "I was only telling the truth."

She turned her head away and whispered something to herself before looking back at me "Ok, you do know that was a goddess right?"

I nodded "Yep!"

Ryuu rubbed her head. "You are insane."

I nodded again "I'm aware!" I think I said that a little too happy because Ryuu hit me on the head

"That's not a good thing." Ryuu sighed

"Oh... Ok sooo what are we doing." I looked around her room, I wasn't in here long but I want to know anywhere I can look to see if Ryuu is safe... that's all.

Ryuu went to her wardrobe and grabbed something from inside it.

"Hmm? What's that Ryuu?"

Ryuu looked at me and smiled a bit "Oh this is something that the goddess of my famila gave to me. You see back then I had a slight problem controlling my anger, and she said this would help me do so."

I looked at the thing in her hand it was a necklace, the design was intricate with a flower like design but the gem encased in the necklace looked like it was constantly changing colors "its beautiful."

"I think so aswell, Lady Astria (please tell me if that's wrong) told me to give it to someone that needed help when I myself had control over my anger, and I believe it should help you with your anger and possibly help you regain any memories." Ryuu handed me the necklace I was about to mention about my Ice curse but Ryuu stopped me by putting her finger over my lips. "Don't worry it has an frost resistant enchantment. So you can wear it no problem."

I nodded "umm OK could you put it on for me." I turned around and put my hair where she could get to my neck.

P.O.V change to Ryuu's brought to you by Lumi freezing someone who looked at Ryuu wrong (the dude still alive just a popsicle.)

Lumi moved his hair so I could get to his neck but I froze on the base of his neck I saw a blue glow coming from underneath his shirt it wasn't bright enough where you could see it through his shirt but if you were looking down it completely by accident like I was you could see it. "I want to see him without his shirt." I thought.

"Uhhh that's kind of weird but if you want."  Lumi started taking of his waiter vest.

"Wait what?" I stopped him from taking it off "I said that out loud?" Lumi nodded and I felt my face get hot it was bad as it is that I gave Lumi the necklace that goddess told me to give to the one I love but I wasn't ready to see Lumi without his shirt, that's to much I just met him last night after all. (It took her and Lumi the whole night and some of the morning to get up to the surface) "let me put this on you and we can go back to work..."

"Okie doki Ryuu!" He said happily

I started putting the necklace on him "What's with that anyway?"

"What do you mean?" Lumi asked back.

"What I mean is that your always so nice to me but to others your either rude or just cold.."

"Oh, I just prefer you over anyone or anything. Would you like me to stop?" Lumi stated.

I finished putting the necklace on him and he went and looked at himself in the mirror. I stared at him and started to fell my face heat up, now that I look at him he's very handsome, and he's nice and respectful towards me. So innocent too.... for some reason I don't want him to ever leave my side. "No, I like it so don't stop."

Lumi looked at the new object that was around his neck, he had a happy smile on his face "Yes ma'am, I will never stop."

I walked up next to him and pat his head "Good, now we need to get back to work."

He sighed but nodded anyway. "Ok..."

I hugged him for a little bit and whispered in his ear "we don't have a room for you to sleep in tonight so your going to be joining me ok"

I felt his naturally cold body temperature rise a bit "Ok..."

I let go of him and slowly walked back towards the stairs, he followed me like a cute animal following its master, so adorable. Of course I could never see him as a dog or something but he was being rather cute.

Chapter end brought to you by the amount of yanderes in the building going from 2(Lumi and Syr) to 3(you guess)

Word count 843

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