the start

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As a child I was unwanted. My mama died while giving birth to me and i was seen as a monster for having horns on my head. 

Once I turned three I gained my vectors unlike other dicloni I didnt use them to kill, I used them to help clean and do my chores so my papa wouldnt yell or punish me. I did have to keep them a secret fearing what would happen to me if anyone found out. 

Of course I loved my papa, he wasn't the best papa but he was good enough for me. Even though he would beat me, yell at me and take my toys away if I ever did anything that angered him I still loved him and he loved me. After a yelling or beating he would always come to my room and say something like "im sorry my dear y/n, I only punish you because I love you, yes you are the reason your mother died but I forgive you and you are my everything my dear y/n".

 Of course I never believed his words, was always obvious he hated me in some way for killing mama though I never ment to I do agree it was my own fault. It wasn't all that bad though! There was some good times in my life! Like if I did good doing my chores papa would buy me cookies from the closest bakery and I absolutely adored cookies I still do now it's my favourite treat I may have a little problem. Also sometimes while he's watching the football game he would let me watch, whenever the world cup happened he would bring out snacks and we would watch together and it would be the best day ever. 

But nice things never last long.

"Y/n! Im heading out to work, don't forget your chores!" Spoke papa. 

"Dont worry papa I wont disappoint you!" I spoke with confidence, papa likes it when I'm confident it lets him trust me more.

"I believe in you my dear!" He said as he walked out the door and then I heard the click letting me know he had locked it, I took a look around the house.

"Geez today is messier than usual!" I sighed loudly then went into the the closet and I put my headphones on and started listening to my playlist on my portable cd then I put on my gloves and took out some cleaning supplies "time to get to work!" I used some of my vectors to clean the kitchen and others for the bathroom while I picked up the trash from the living room and put it in a trash bag and I scrubbed the table. Once finishing I started vacuuming the floors.

After finishing vacuuming I started Mopping the floors taking care of any stains until I heard a bag drop, I looked over to see papa with a terrified expression seeing my vectors in action. I quickly stopped what I was doing and pulled my vectors away "Oh Papa you are back so soon!" I say nervously.

"W-what are you!?" Papa spoke with fear in his voice.

"Papa its not what it looks like!" I say tears attempting to escape my eyes. 

"I've heard of you things" he spoke with disgust and went into his jacket to pull out his gun. "I really thought that those things were only in Japan since the news was more common there until you were born and I saw those horns on your head and I really thought you were different they said at the age of three your type would turn into killing machines but then you didnt kill anyone at all but it turns out you were just a fucking liar" he spoke with disgust though his words didnt have much sense because of how fast he was speaking but I understood one thing I am a monster.

"B-but Papa!" I cried out.

"Dont even fucking try, I know how your type will kill anyone without hesitation and I will kill you before you can kill anyone!" He shouted before he began shooting at me.

"AHHH!!!" I screamed painfully as a bullet hit my arm as i used my vectors to cover myself from being hit by more bullets "Papa please stop!" I cry out.

"Dont call me that you monster!" He shouted at me continuing to shoot at me only stopping to reload. I sighed until I felt a pain in my hip... I was shot by my own papa. I looked up at him with tears streaming down my eyes holding my shot arm and in a limped position from being shot also in the hip "why papa I thought you loved me" i said tears streaming down my eyes.

"I could never love a monster like you as my child " he spoke coldy before aiming the gun at my head.

"N-NO!!!!" I yelled out in a state of panic and used my vectors to cut his arm off and one if his legs. I looked at his body bleeding on the ground "papa!!!" I cried out realizing what I've done and I ran to him and sat down beside him and held his hand which wasnt cut off.

"My dear y/n you are indeed a monster but you aren't like them im sorry I dont know what had gotten into me I-I was scared I am a complete idiot please dont change my dear" he spoke weakly.

"Papa! Dont leave me!" I cried out, "ill call the hospital you will be okay papa!" I said looking at him bleeding out.

"Its too late for me my dear y/n I failed as your papa" he spoke softly. I ignored his words and called the ambulance and I stayed by papa holding his hand as I saw the life draining out of him "y/n look into my bag and you will find a red ribbon put it on and tie it around your horns to hide them from the world, they will see you as a monster and try to take you away dont let them find out" he spoke. I did as he said and tied the single long ribbon as two bows around my head "like this papa" I spoke sadly.

"It used to belong to your mother it looks perfect on you" he smiled weakly "you are beautiful my dear child" he spoke weakly before fading away to the land of the dead. 

The ambulance came but they were too late he was long gone they brought me to a strange place and I met with a old man who looked very wise he asked me a few questions and I answered truthfully he took me by the hand and we went to the airport together, we got onto a flight, It was the first time I was on an airplane I got the window seat it was nice the view was lovely it didn't last long as I fell asleep but I woke up to the sound of a voice "wake up my child we are almost there" spoke the old man. I looked outside to see the beautiful sunset before me I was in awe.

"Its so beautiful!!!" I said cheerfully with a smile on my face, I never took my eyes off the view and even watched the landing of the plane. 

"Its time to get off" the old man said gently, he took my hand and walked me off the plane, we got our luggages and once we went outside I realized we were in Winchester England. I looked around with my mouth open in awe as the old man took my hand walking us somewhere.

"Where are we going" I looked up at the old man waiting for an answer, he stopped in his tracks.

"Look" he said pointing at a huge building with gates with letters on top saying 'Wammy's'.

"What is this place?" I asked curiously.

"This is an orphanage for the gifted children and you my child are very special" he said kindly as he took me inside.

As we entered I saw many kids around my age but there were two specifically which caught my eye one had a blonde bob and lacked eye brows and was eating a bar of chocolate while the other had brown amd was wearing goggles and had all his attention on a gaming console.

"What are you looking at!?" The blonde yelled as I flinched and quickly looked away while the old man just glared at him. The old man continued walking me until we stopped at a door and he opened it.

"This will be your new room, you will be sharing it with a boy named Near once done unpacking come to my office its right over there" he pointed at a door once he finished speaking then he walked away. I unpacked my stuff, putting my clothes in the closet and putting my special blanket and some stuffed animals on the bed and I put my headphones and portable cd in the drawer next to the bed, once I was done I walked out passing by a young boy with white hair. 

I knocked on the door of the old man and went inside.

"Sit down" he spoke gently, I did what he said and sat down in the chair infront of his desk while facing him. "My name is Quillsh Wammy and I run this orphanage which is for gifted children and like I said before you are one gifted child" he spoke. I listened to him while nervously playing with the bandages on my arm as a result from the gun shots, "here we have the children choose a new name, like a code name what would you like your new name to be" he asked.

"N/n I would like to be called n/n" I said quietly still playing with my bandaged arm.

"Very well N/n" he spoke "you are free to go" he said and I complied and left the office going back to my new room to start my new life.

this is my first fanfic in a while I will accept criticism!!! Just dont be an asshole! And feel free to ask any questions!!!

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