A life without papa

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I was at The office with Wammy he now wants me to call Watari and Mello whos face was bruised and covered in dried blood had dried tear stains 'wow maybe I went a little too hard on him' I thought to myself 

"N/n we do not condone violence here at Wammys but why did you beat Mello" Watari questioned.

"He took my sketchbook without my permission and he didn't give it back after I asked him twice and then he threw it in the trash so of course I had to punish him" I spoke in a serious tone while playing with my bandaged arm while Mello looked at me with a look of terror and shock.

"'punish' what do you mean by that?" Asked Watari with concern in his voice.

"He did something wrong so he deserved to be punished so I punished him like how Papa would punish me, thats how it works" I stated while not looking away from my bandage.

"Your Papa punished you by hurting you?" Asked Watari with shock and concern in his voice while Mello just looked at me with his jaw dropped.

"Yes I guess you could say that" I spoke finally looking away from my bandage. "My Papa was more 'strict' on me because I deserved to be punished for the murder of Mama" I said staring right into the eyes of Watari.

"You killed your own Mom!?!" Yelled out Mello grabbing my by the collar of my shirt, I was ready to use my vectors against him until I heard Watari's voice.

"Calm down Mello and put them down" spoke Watari, Mello did what he said and let go of me. "What do you mean you killed your own mother?" Asked Watari.

"While giving birth to me she died because of blood loss and it was my fault" I answered Watari while he gave me a look of pity.

"That is something that happens to many mothers it was not your fault at all, childbirth is naturally dangerous and not everyone is lucky to survive it, your father shouldn't have blamed you for that" spoke Watari, even Mello gave me a look of pity. "But even then we do not condone violence here, I just want you to apologize to Mello and you can go back to your room" spoke Watari.

"Very well" I stood up and turnt to Mello "I apologize for punching you in the face many times, it was wrong of me and I shouldn't have used to violence against you" I spoke.

"Now you Mello" said Watari.

"Im sorry." Mello spoke aggressively.

"I forgive you" I smiled at him while he just rolled his eyes.

"You may both leave now" watari said to us and we both left the office and I walked back to my shared room with Near, as I walked in I saw him playing with toys and I just walked towards him and sat down and leaned on his shoulder catching him off guard.

"It hasnt been a week yet and im already exhausted" I sigh.

"You will get used to it" Near spoke calmly with all of his attention on his puzzle.

"Papa was right, I am a monster" I said to myself while Near turned his head towards me.

"What do you mean? Asked Near with curiousity.

"I'm the reason Papa is dead and I hurt Mello" I said sadly as Near Listened.

"What do you mean you're the reason your father is dead?" Asked Near.

"I shouldn't say its the reason Papa got mad at me" I mumbled.

"I promise I wont get mad" said Near

"Ok fine" I said as I slowly removed the ribbon that covered my horns as Nears face morphed into one of shock.

"What are you?"

Criticism is welcomed just dont be an asshole!!!! Feel free to ask any questions!!!!

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