Beauty who saved me

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I couldn't sleep well at night as I was thinking about Dr. Masao's words though I was able to fall asleep at some point though but it didn't last long as I was woken up by the sound of Dr. Masao's voice.

"Good morning Y/n" she smiled at me "I know it's not the best but its bath day" she unstrapped me from the straightjacket and held my hand as she gently held my hand and walked me over to a corner of the cell and brought out the hose "get ready Chief Kakuzawa decided to make the water colder in order to 'save money'" she rolled her eyes but then smiled at me "I'll be starting now" she began hosing me down which was a bit painful because of the freezing temperature and the pressure. Once she was done she began drying me with a towel before stopping and giving me a sad look "they haven't been feeding you've gotten thinner". I looked down at my stomach and noticed it has gotten much flatter.

"'re right" just now I had noticed how much I had changed in these past few years I had gotten taller, a lot thinner from the lack of proper food and my hair had gotten longer. I looked back at Dr. Masao but my eyes widened as she hugged me.

" don't belong're just a kid this place took your childhood away... I'm not gonna let this god forsaken place keep you trapped forever" she whispered in my ear then she finished drying my off and put me back into my straight jacket execpt...the ties were loosened and easy to get out of. "Goodbye Y/n" she smiled sadly at me as if it were our last meeting....well it was.

I had taken a nap waiting for Masao to come back only waking up to a familiar sound it was the same siren I heard the day Lucy left, I looked around to see the door of my cell was open and then I realized this is what Masao ment, I used my vectors to rip the loose straight jacket off me but I didn't bother taking the helmet off as I walked to the table and grabbed the box which held the ribbons which were so dear to me, I held them tightly to me and I walked out of the cell and began walking down the halls of the facility until I heard a loud clicking sound, I turn around to see a few soldiers holding guns at me while some scientists were with them but Masao wasn't there.

"Go back to your cell number forty six!!" One of the soldiers spoke in a commanding voice, I would've listened to him if this wasn't hell.

"...goodbye.." I spoke quietly and turned around and kept walking, I covered myself with my vectors just incase they tried shooting at me which I was right but their bullets bounced right off. 

I thought they left me alone but once I could see an exit I felt like I was being watched, I looked around only to be shot in my lower stomach on my left side.

"ARGHH" I groaned as I fell to the floor not letting go of the box but still using one hand to clutch the area of my stomach.

"I got them" came out a soldier holding what looked like sniper of some sort? He smirked at me until I heard his walkie talkie which was very loud.

"Step away from them. They respond violently to pain, we told you to try to knock them out or to stun them not hurt them" the voice in the walkie talkie spoke in a calm but panicky voice.

"Oh calm down they can't be that bad it's just another Diclonious nothing I haven't dealt with" the soldier spoke in a cocky voice as he stepped closer to me.

"Don't step any closer, you did your job now leave them to us" said the person in walkie talkie their voice becoming more and more panicky.

"Oh calm down I know how to deal with Diclonious". He stepped closer until I stood up still holding the box with my ribbons and glared at the soldier.

"RUN AWAY DONT STEP ANY CLOSER" the walkie talkie yelled panicking.

But it was too late I had already decapitated the man, I continued to walk slightly hunched over from the pain of being shot.

I got to the exit only to see it was pure water everywhere, nothing but ocean.

"Number forty six there is nothing for you to go to just come back inside" some scientist spoke with soldiers behind him.

"Tell Dr. Masao that I said goodbye" I said to the scientist before jumping into the water while holding the box closely to me.

I might of jumped in weirdly because once I hit the water I blacked out.

I woke up realizing I was on land, I think I was at a beach, I noticed I was still holding the box tightly and I smiled, the helmet I was for some reason still wearing eas cracked so I took it off and threw it back into the water letting my hair out which grew a lot since I've been in that facility. I began walking but winced noticing the bullet wound on my left side.

"Hello? Are you okay?" 

I look away from my bullet wound and looked up to see a young girl with blonde hair put in pigtails and her clothes were in a gothic style.

"Oh...I dont know..." I respond nervously as this was my first interaction with someone outside of the facility in four years. She then sighed and walked towards me and gently grabbed my hand.

"Come on I'll help you out" she said gently but quickly stopped.

"Oh I can't let people see you naked!" She took off the jacket she had which was quite long and gave it to me.

"Here put this on for now I'll ask about those...ears? Later" 

I put the jacket on and zipped it up still holding the box as she took to me to her place.

She was so pretty....what a beauty...the beauty who saved me

YAY ANOTHER CHAPTER!!! It's finally moving on to the deathnote characters and you can probably guess who this is but anyway I'll try to work on the next chapter soon enough!!! 

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