im allergic to people

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I went back to my room and opened the door to see on the other half of the room a boy with snow white hair with fair skin and had white pajamas he was quite the beauty.

"Please stop staring at me" he spoke flatly.

"O-oh! Im sorry" I said quickly and I went back to my bed and grabbed my cd and headphones and began drawing while listening to music until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I look beside me to see the boy with white hair.

"Who are you?" He asked tilting his head. I look back to what I was doing and I ignore his question not enjoying the random act of communication, "please answer my question I do not appreciate being ignored especially since we are roommates from now on" he spoke with a monotone voice.

"N/n." I answered annoyed and nervously as I hadn't spoken to anyone at all in the past 8 years I've been living other than my father so today was quite stressing because of meeting new people.

"I see well Im Near" He said before going back to what he was doing before. I pay him no mind and I continue doing what I was doing until I fell asleep.

I woke up early naturally from being used to being woken up early by papa to work on chores, I notice that near is asleep and I look at the clock in the room and notice it says '5:00am' 'I must have woken up later than usual, thats ok it seems that the others are still asleep I can use this time to work on my drawings' I grabbed my sketchbook book and began working on my art while humming to myself, I must have been drawing for a while because I noticed movement around me and saw that Near is awake and I looked up to see that it was 7:00am. "Time flies" I said quietly to myself before shutting my sketchbook and I stood up and made my bed.

"What are you doing?" Asked Near curiously while rubbing his eyes.

"My papa...well late papa would have me make my bed after I woke up so I wouldn't get lazy now please look away I have to change" I spoke nervously still not used to interacting with other people, Near complied and looked away allowing me to change into a t-shirt and put on some baggy pants since it was late September "im done you can stop looking away" I said quite rudely but not intentionally. 

"Its time for breakfast ill show you where the cafeteria is" Near said in usual monotone voice and walked out the door with me following behind him.

We got to the cafeteria and I noticed a small line leading to where the food was being served while the rest of the kids were sitting at the tables. Once it was our turn I noticed the food options were french toast, berries, breakfast sausage and orange juice 'wow this looks good I usually only eat toast with some yogurt but this is a very good suprise' I smile to myself as I let the lunch lady serve me food and I grab a few napkins and utensils then I look around realizing there wasn't a free table and I didn't really want to sit with other people who I am unfamiliar with so I look to see that Near is sitting alone so I sit in the same table as him but farther away and I attempt to enjoy my food in silence until I hear some commotion behind me but I attempt to ignore it until I heard "I dont care if its the only table left I dont want to sit beside near!!" Spoke a voice clearly agitated.

"Come on Mello I dont want to sit on the ground get over it!!" I heard another voice, then I noticed the voices were getting closer until I saw who the two people were, one of them was the boy with blonde hair who yelled at me yesterday and the other was the brunette who had the gaming console.

"I hope you dont mind us sitting with you we dont have other options currently" spoke the brunette.

"I dont really care you can sit anywhere you like" Near says putting all of his attention on a robot toy he brought while eating. The two boys sat down near me but not right beside me so I didn't really care as I continued eating.

"Hey you" the brunette said towards me "whats your name" he questioned with excitement and curiosity.

"Oh uh....its N/n" I responded awkwardly.

"Well im Matt and thats my friend Mello!" He spoke excitedly "its good to meet you!!" He said

"Oh its nice to meet you too" I said quite uncomfortable with the interaction.

"Oh and whats up with that ribbon on your head" he asked curiously.

"Oh this is a gift from my late father it originally belonged to my mother" I said hoping for the conversation to end

"Cool!" He said before going back to eating. I sighed in relief and finished eating and took out my sketchbook and continued drawing before it was snatched away.

"Oh lets see whats inside here" spoke Mello with a smirk before he went through the sketchbook with judgement in his eyes "how lame" he said while rolling his eyes.

"Give it back." I glared at him.

"I dont think I will" he smirked 

"I said give it back" I said annoyed.

"Come on Mello they are new here" Matt said.

"Oh you are no fun Matt" Mello rolled his eyes "here" he passed it down to me but before I could grab it he slapped me with it and began laughing and threw the sketchbook in the trash "go get it if you want it" I glared at him and I stood up from my chair and pushed him to the ground "w-what the!?" He said before I got on him and began punching his face, he tried pushing me off but I was stronger and continued Punching until I noticed blood on my hands and that everyone was looking at me including Near.

"Im done." I stated before getting off of him and I grabbed my sketchbook and went back to my seat as Mello was on the ground crying while Matt was comforting him.

"Dont you think you went a little far" Near asked with a bit of concern in his voice.

"I dont know, im bad with people im allergic to people" 

Criticism is welcomed just dont be an asshole!!! Feel free to ask anything!!!

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