innocense I wish I had

17 0 0

b/d = birth date

b/m = birth month

Y/g = your gender
He took me to a room with a glass wall which looked like the one which I was in before, but on the side of the wall was a huge six, Kurama opened the door and taking a closer look was a girl who looked my age with short purple hair and her body had been bruised and bloodied from what I guess was a similar expirement I had went through, she opened her eyes revealing that they were a dark green and she soon smiled at the sight of Kurama.

"Papa! You're back! I didn't think you would be back so soon" she spoke with excitement but then she noticed me. "Who is that?" She asked curiously.

"This is Y/n they are also a Diclonious like you" he answered the girl gently, he then turned to me, "this is Nana she is a passive Diclonious, which is quite rare" I turned to look at Nana, I envied how she never felt the need to kill anybody yet I didn't hate her.

"It's nice to meet you Nana" I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you too! I hope we can become friends!" She said excitedly. I noticed she spoke in a childish manor which I assumed was because she was most likely kept here most of her life until Kurama spoke.

"If you're wondering Nana is a silpelit, silpelits seem to physically age faster and you are most likely one too but it seems that you age normally" spoke Kurama seemingly reading my mind.

"Oh" I say confused as I seemingly looked like an average fourteen/fifteen year old (depending on your birthday).

"Papa is it okay if I can talk to Y/n more often? This is the first time I've met someone who is like me" asked Nana with puppy eyes.

"Alright" Kurama agreed a little too easily "some people are gonna keep an eye on you two while I help other scientists set up a new room for Y/n since the first one didn' out so well" he spoke seeming to be a little uncomfortable when mentioning the last part "y/n I trust you to not make any trouble? If you do you will be executed" he said quite bluntly.

"Ya..... I won't misbehave" I say a little nervous at the threat he made.

"Good." He walked away and closed the door behind him. I turned to Nana and started talking to her.

"How long have you been here for?" I asked her.

"My whole life!" She answered. "What about you?" She tilted her head.

"I got here yesterday" I smile sheepishly then I see her eyes light up.

"Woah! So you've been outside!?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah but I would spend a lot of time drawing under a tree and talking to mt friends instead of actually playing, that is one thing I kind of regret" I spoke sadly.

"Its okay Y/n! Im sure one day you will be allowed outside again! I've only seen the outside through books and windows but im sure one day I will see it too!" She spoke with confidence.

"'re right!" I said finally gaining security "they can't keep us here forever, I promise that you will one day go to the outside world Nana" I smile at her.

We spent most of the time talking, she would ask questions about how my life was like and I happily answered, I told her everything about how my Papa wasn't the best person all the way to the orphanage and L and Watari's death and she seemed so invested which motivated me to also talk about Near, Mello, Matt and Linda.

"Woah so which one were you inlove with" 

"H-huh?!" I was caught off guard by her question.

"Well? It sounded like you cared about them very much so which one of them was it" she asked seemingly invested on my life.

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