for her

16 1 0

Light had assigned me a job to do in order to take focus away from both Misa and Light as Kira though it was a bother for me as I was forced to go out in public to kill criminals.

Misa would use the death note to manipulate the movement of criminals and move them to a spot where I could easily use my vectors to murder them all at once, I didn't feel guilt for killing them as they were criminals who did horrible crimes but I didn't want anymore blood on my hands especially with the consequences I got after killing my first few all those years ago.

But Light's plan did work as the police force were forced to put some focus on me instead of the actual Kira's since to them there was a chance I could be a new Kira who apparently is much more "violent" and "deadly".

I don't know why I continue protecting Misa Amane she's just some girl who showed me some kindness yet I feel the same way I felt when I was at Wammys with my my friends when I'm around her she makes me feel comforted.

It doesn't matter I've decided I will protect her at all costs. I can't lose another friend I've learned from my mistakes and I won't let it happen ever again, even if it means I have to keep Light Yagami alive just to make sure she stays happy.

I use the key Misa gave me to unlock the door to the house and I twist the door knob with my blood covered hands and i open the door.

"Misa.... I'm home.." I say tiredly as I try wiping blood on my shirt.

"Y/n you're late! And you're all dirty!" Misa scolds me as she grabs a towel and begins wiping my face.

"Sorry... I had to find a way to avoid the camera's from catching me." I answer tiredly as I let her wipe the blood off of me.

"How do you always get blood on your skin but never on your clothes!?" Misa asks confused.

"I always use a disposable rain coat in order to hide my identity and so I have less of a chance of getting a lot of blood on me." I answer her.

"Come on lets go put you in the bath" Misa sighed.

"Ok..." I smile slightly at her being annoyed.

Misa fills the bath with warm water and lets me get in as she goes back to her room so I could bathe myself and I reminiscence at the memory of the earlier carnage I had caused and I shudder remembering the blood and intestines splashing everywhere as I listened to the short yet loud screams. I hated Light for having me do that but I knew I did it to myself, I knew I could've said no and left but... I don't know why but I guess I got too attached to pathetic of me sacrificing other people for the safety of one girl.

Once I finished my bath I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around myself and I walked out of the bathroom.

I began walking to my room to change into some clothes and there I see Light and he turns to me and smirks mockingly at me.

"Cleaning the blood off of you?" He spoke mockingly.

"You know I really despise you Light Yagami." I glared at him.

"I know I despise you too. You are apart of the evil in this world but you're also useful and using your ability for good has helped me a lot." Light looked me straight in the eyes and his smirk faded and he went serious.

"I know what you did."


What a disgusting being. Light Yagami isn't god he's just some man with a complex, how stupid.

I laid in bed thinking negatively about light until I heard a knock on my door.


"Y/n I'm heading out for a bit, Light and Ryuk will stay behind to keep you company" Misa spoke with a smile on her face as she slightly opened the door to peak in at me. "Be sure to behave! ...Well of course you'll behave" she let out a small giggle "Make sure Light and Ryuk behave ESPECIALLY Ryuk" Misa then turned around and waved at me "Bye!" And she walked out with Rem floating behind her.


I laid in my bed staring into the ceiling with nothing but my thoughts as I waited for Misa to come back only for my thoughts to be interrupted by my stomach rumbling slightly.

'Right... I haven't eaten anything today' I cursed myself for my stupidity.

I walked out of my room and towards the kitchen only to see Light resting against the kitchen counter with Ryuk beside him eating an apple.

"Oh. It's you." I glared at light as I walked past time and went for the fridge. I know quite immature of me.

"I thought you'd stay in your room all day. What a disappointment." Light sighed while Ryuk chuckled at our interaction.

I ignored him and looked through the fridge grabbing the milk carton and going for the cupboards and grabbing a box of cereal setting it on the counter and grabbing a spoon qnd bowl.

"I don't think it's a good idea to eat sugar after having nothing all day." Light smirked mockingly at me as if I was a child.

I rolled my eyes at him and continued serving myself cereal while contemplating if I should use my vectors on him or not.

"It would make things so much easier for me if you'd stop talking to me dude."

"Don't call me "dude" I am not your friend. I know this technically isn't a "job" but this isn't casual either" Light ranted sounding disgusted at my use of "slang".

"Whatever." I began eating my cereal slightly aggressively and before I knew it I felt a hand grabbing at the back of my shirt and I was shoved against the wall and right infront of me was Light Yagami glaring daggers at me.

"You may be some dangerous creature or whatever but I won't let you act like I'm some inconvenience. I will be- no. I am god of the new world and it's a world I get to decide if you'll be apart of or not because right now I really want to kill you." Light spat out. The mocking smirk was replaced with a glare of hatred. He pulled away giving me breathing room while still holding onto me before slapping my hard.


Before I could respond a loud gasp was heard and we both turned our heads to Misa with her hands over her mouth and her legs spread apart in a dramatic stance as she glared angrily at us with Rem behind her.

"I leave you two alone for only a few hours and already are at each other's throats!?" She shouted at us before walking to us and pulling us both apart from eachother. 

"Its like you two can't be trusted alone just like little kids!"


I walk to my run down apartment while holding a small bag containing a new pack of cigarettes and two cans of energy drinks.

"Fifth pack this week already... I think I have a problem." I chuckled to myself as I unlocked the door to my apartment which was a huge mess. Clothes, empty food wrappers, cans, cigarette buds and even tangled computer chords. I never found the point in cleaning up since I would just make another mess; plus I never have anyone over. Im kind of a loser.

I sat on the couch with a cigarette in my mouth and my Nintendo ds in my hands playing the game Song of saya.

I don't know why I bought this game it's pretty disturbing and has a lotta weird scenes but I couldn't help it when I heard about how the main love interest Saya was a dangerous creature yet was so beautiful in the eyes of the player... I guess it reminded me of them.

I closed my ds and set it aside as I payed more attention to the cigarette in my mouth and I took my goggles off scratching the area where the bands sticked to my head. Some ash of my cigarette falling onto my black and red striped shirt.

"I miss you y/n."

IM SO SORRY FOR THE UNANNOUNCED HIATUS I WAS PROCRASTINATING HARD. But I will make sure to update more often I swear!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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