a secret is a secret

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The girl took me to her place which was quite big and invited me inside and sat me down.

"Sooooo what's up with the cat ears?" She asked curiously.

"Oh...they aren't cat ears...they are horns" I answered awkwardly.

"Huh!? No way!!" 

"Do you wanna touch the to see if they are real as proof?" I asked confused at her dramatic reaction. She leaned in and began touching my horns and her eyes widened.

"They really are real...how!?"

"Well I'm a Diclonious which is a homosapien species thats no different from humans other than horns and well we have vectors" I say nervously.

"Vectors? What's that?" She asked curiously.

"Its like invisible arms in some way" 

"What!!! I dont believe you" she pouted. I sighed and used my vectors to pick some items up around us and her eyes widened.

"H-how!?" She then sighed "well I guess I believe you now...I have seen weirder..." She mumbled that last part under her breath.

"What do you mean by 'I have seen weirder'" I tilt my head.

"Well.." she handed out a notebook which said 'Death note' on the cover "touch it."  I reach over and touch the book and my eyes widen as behind her is was a huge pale like creature with purple hues and a skeleton like body.

"What....what is that...?" I say a bit nervously trying to remain calm.

"It's a Shinigami a god of death...Rem would you like to introduce yourself and explain what the death note is?" The girl asked the Shinigami.

"Misa...are you sure? This is a random stranger" The Shinigami asked the girl who I now know as Misa.

"Well you're right...." She then turned to me "well lets introduce ourselves!! Im Misa Amane!! Im the second Kira and I'm also a Model and singer!!" She spoke cheerfully. "Now you!" 

"Well my name is Y/n and for six years I was at a orphanage until an accident happened where I was moved to a institution for experiments on Diclonious for four years until I escaped and now I'm here" I spoke nervously but I didn't mention Papa as I was a bit uncomfortable at the memories.

"Strange..." She looked a bit confused.

"What is it?" I asked now a bit nervous from her random change of emotion.

"Well your name is different from the one you said" she looked me straight in the eyes as her eyes glowed red "your real name is r/n l/n".

"How did you know? Well I should explain myself...in the orphanage I went to we were made to change our names so nobody would know our real identities or something I don't exactly remember" I explained myself.

"Interesting..." She said trying to act serious. "Now then! Rem introduce yourself and explain what the death note is! Since 'Y/n' is no longer a stranger!!" Misa spoke cheerfully.

"Very well then." Rem turned to me. "As you already know I am Rem a Shinigami, a god of death.

Rem began explaining how the Death note worked and how to use it and how a Shinigami fell inlove with Misa and sacrificed himself for her.

"Wow... that is a beautiful way to die...." I said enchanted by the story. "I never knew it was possible to love someone enough to die for them" I smiled at Rem and Misa. I tried standing up only to fall down because of the pain in my stomach from the bullet.

"Oh my! How could I forget that you're hurt" Misa panicked. "Let's go put you in a bath and I'll patch you up" she spoke to me gently.

She took me to the bathroom and took the jacket she gave me off and looked behind me. "Oh thank god the bullet went right through! We don't have to worry about have to pull it out of you now!" She smiled at me as she started the water and put soap in it to make a bubble bath.

She helped into the bath and I quickly relaxed into the warm water as it slightly turned red from my blood. "I don't remember when was the last time I touched warm water" I smiled to myself. Misa helped wash my hair while I laid in the bath and once we were done she gave me some clothes which apparently belonged to her boyfriend? And she helped patch up my wound.

"Do you have anywhere to go to?" Misa asked.

"No, I'm in a whole different country and I don't know where anyone who I used to know is because the facility I was in separated me from everyone I knew" I sighed sadly.

"Well then! For now you can stay with me! You can help out around the house while im gone and in return I'll let you stay and feed you!" Misa said almost excited.

"Misa...is this really necessary?" Asked Rem who seemed a little nervous.

"Well...yes! They can be useful to us and it will be nice to have some company, maybe you can make a new friend" Misa said cheerfully.

"Very well if this is what Misa wants" Rem sighed.

"Now then Y/n what do you want to do?" Misa turned to me.

"Oh? Hmm...how about a movie?" I brought up the idea.

We ended up watching a movie called 'Clueless' which apparently is Misa's favourite even though its not in Japanese she puts on subtitles.

??? POV

I stare at one of the many computer screens reading about the escape of a Diclonius in Japan and reading the information of the one who escaped and I smiled slightly. "Finally... could it be...? Will I be able to see you again" I asked myself. I hear the tapping of heels and I look to the side seeing a blonde haired woman.

"If you don't mind me asking...if the SPK is about capturing Kira then why do you have the information about Diclonius? Though they are dangerous there haven't been amy sightings in countries other than Japan." Asked the blonde woman.

"Well Halle" I begin "there was someone I knew who was a Diclonius... someone dear to me" 

"What do you mean Near?"


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