Nie Mingjue's Visit

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"Will you tell him?" 

Nie Huaisang turned towards his best friend. The two of them sat in one of the courtyards, waiting for Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji to return from a meeting with Lan Qiren.

"About what happened to him?" he clarified.

Wei Wuxian nodded.

Nie Huaisang took in a deep breath and looked up towards the blue sky with a couple of puffy clouds floating by. "Not right away. I can't tell him right now," he admitted. "Maybe one day, when things have calmed down."

"Huaisang, I never asked, but who do you think killed him?"

Nie Huaisang's head whipped around to Wei Wuxian. His eyes were wide, and Wei Wuxian could see them glass over. "I-I don't think I'm ready to say. I know that right now, this person hasn't done anything bad yet, so part of me just wants to keep an eye out for the time being," he said. "But I don't know. Is that wrong?"

"Was it someone you were close with?" Wei Wuxian recognized the conflicting despair in his eyes.

"Y-Yes, they always supported me. No matter how many times I screwed up. They were like another s-sibling to me. I-I never even realized why they did what they did! Why did they hate my brother so much?!" his voice cracked and tears slipped down his cheeks. "I shouldn't protect them. They deserve the worst, but that was the future and this is the past. Can I really say they still deserve it right now? C-Could I accept something t-terrible happening to them right now when they are still innocent?"

Wei Wuxian pulled him in for a hug. "When you're ready, I'll help you make sure that this person doesn't stray off the path again. I promise I won't let you suffer."

"Is it wrong of me to hope they might not do the same thing again? What if they do? What if I fail to protect my brother a second time?" he asked.

"I don't think it's wrong. Just like you said, this person is innocent right now, which means there's still a chance that we can help guide them to the right path. We'll do everything to protect your brother in the mean time. I promise he won't end up the way he did last time," Wei Wuxian did his best to reassure him.

Nie Huaisang sniffled and wiped at his eyes to dry the tears. "You're right. I have to give them a shot, while also looking out for my brother's safety. We're hear to change things for the better," he said to encourage himself.

Wei Wuxian gave him a small smile. He was proud of Nie Huaisang for making the decision that he did. Anyone else would have instantly slaughtered the person, and if they were back in the future, then that is maybe what needed to happen. But, they're not in the future, they're in the past, therefore they have to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and just hope that their efforts have a positive outcome. 

It was a very mature thing of Nie Huaisang to say.

The crunching of gravel caught their attention. The two looked over and saw two figures approach them.

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji called.

Wei Wuxian couldn't keep his bright smile off his face. He hasn't seen Lan Wangji all day, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss him.

"Lan Zhan!" he called. The four approached each other. Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji noticed Nie Huaisang's red eyes, but they decided not to pry for the moment.

"Chifeng-zun should be here any moment. Would you both like to join us at the gates to meet him?" Lan Xichen asked.

"Yes, please. I'd like to see Da-ge," Nie Hauisang stressed. He has not seen his brother since his death, and he desperately wanted to see him again.

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